"Try to avoid socs," he adds.  

"Dall, she knows that," Ponyboy tells him. He ignores the comment.  

"Don't get killed," he finishes.  

"Oh, that's nice." 

"Yeah it is," Dally says. "You ain't getting stuck in the ground." Something tells me that Dally and I are going to go at it a lot. We'll probably never see eye to eye. And here Ponyboy is having to listen to all of it. I give him an apologetic look. I don't think he catches it though.  

"You like to get wise, don't you?" he asks me. I shrug my shoulders.  

"Only with you," I tell him. He laughs.  

"I think I'm gonna like having her around, Ponyboy."  

"I hope so 'cause you ain't gonna get rid of me," I tell him.  

"Can't now. Besides, I think we need someone like you around," he says.  

We don't talk after that. There's not much to say. Pony doesn't talk because he has nothing to say. I don't because I just don't want to. And Dally probably wouldn't start the conversation anyway. But I study his appearance. He looks dangerous and tough, scarred and emotionless. But I know, somewhere under that look, he's got a special set of emotional values that no one can define.  

"So JT, tell me about your first meetin' with the socs," Dally says.  

"Fun," I answer sarcastically. I hear Ponyboy stifle a laugh. He quickly regains his serious composure as Dally looks at him.  

"They sure do know how to scare you," I add.  

"Did they pull a blade on you?" he asks. I nod as I remember the cold metal on my jaw. I shudder at the thought.  

I see the same car from the first night cruise down the road. They slow down as the passengers see us.  

"That's them," I announce quietly. Dally and Ponyboy glance casually to remember the car for future reference. 

The car speeds off. I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. I stand straighter. I didn't even notice that I was trying to hide my face.  

"Since school's been out, I've seen them everyday," Ponyboy says.  

"They ain't got nothing better to do," Dally says. "But if you're tough, nothing can hurt you." 

"I'll remember that," I tell him.  

After that, Dally went his own way. Pony and I were just left to ourselves. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing. I feel like I'm going to be closest to him, and maybe Johnny, while I'm here. I'm just not like the others. I've got a softer set of values. But I do have a wild, reckless side too. I can talk big and back it up. But that ain't saying much.  

Later that night, the boys decided to show up. It was just a Thursday night. But they always get together whenever they want. And I'm not one for hanging around too long. I eventually find myself reading a copy of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis I found buried in Ponyboy's room.  

I've read it before. It was for the reading class. I didn't enjoy it. But now I find myself bored out of my mind with no other choice but to read. I do like to read, just not this stuff.  

I was already several pages along. Just because I didn't like reading, didn't mean I couldn't read fast. I've already managed to read five chapters without being bothered. But I spoke too soon.  

The door cracks open a little, and Ponyboy looks at me. When he sees that it's... safe to enter, he does so and leans against the door frame, folding his arms across his chest.  

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