Chapter 24

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This is the last chapter just so you know! :)


Lola's POV

"It's getting dark Wilfred!" I said worriedly.

"I know and I'm sorry but we may have to camp out" he replied. I could hear a hint of worry in his voice as well.

"But we'll freeze! We're already drenched!"

"I'll keep you warm, snuggle up to me" he replied with a smile.

"Okay" I shuffled closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer. He started stroking my face and I was soon asleep.

10 hours later

I woke to birds tweeting and sunlight streaming through the trees above me..... Wait.... Trees? Where am I? The events of the day before me flooded through me and I gasped in terror. We were lost in the middle of the forest with drenched clothes and an angry mob after us. I looked over and saw Wilfred lying on his front sucking his thumb. I couldn't help but laugh. Wilfred stirred at the sound of my laughter and rolled over on his side to look at me. "Morning beautiful" aww he is so sweet!

"Morning" I replied with a smile.

"Sleep well?"

"I think that was the best nights sleep I've ever had!"

"Good, we'd better try and find our way out of here!"

"But what then? They know where I live, and who knows what they tried to do to get into my house! I think we should run away to the city"

"What about your mum?" Flip, I'd forgotten about her. It's not like I see her much anyway, she works at the hospital and by the end of the day she's too exhausted to come home that she's ended up renting a place next door to the hospital so she just goes there. I suddenly realised that I hadn't answered Wilfred's question and he was staring intently at me.

"I never see her, she won't suspect a thing"

"And your GCSE's?"

"Sod them, you've got enough money, I don't need a job!"

"Where would we go in the city?"

"We'd find a flat somewhere" I said, pleased that I'd thought of it. He started laughing "I'M BEING SERIOUS!"

"I know"

"Well what were you laughing at then?"

"Look" he said and pointed behind me. I turned around and saw houses through the trees, the way out!

"Let's go!"


"To the city!"



Well that's the last chapter! I may do a sequel and if I do it will be called 'The Love Birds fly the nest' a bit cheesy but yeah... Anyway it will be set after they have got to the city and and rented a flat out there with Wilfred's money, Wilfred has got a job as a car salesman and Lola as a waitress. It's set a year on and Lola is 15 and Wilfred is 18 and Lola's 16th is just around the corner. I hope you liked this book! As always vote and comment! I love you all! Bye everyone! See you soon!! xxx

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