Chapter 23

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Wilfred's POV

"You know Lola, you've changed"

"I have?"

"Yeah, when I first met you you were so ghetto and chavy, but now... You speak just like me!"

"So your saying I'm turning posh?" Ouch, she said that like it was a bad thing. "No not exactly posh" I explained "just slightly better spoken."

"Well that's what I get for hanging out with you for too long!"

"Oh don't act like you don't enjoy my company!"

"Yeah well like I so obvs do" she said with a completely straight face.... For about five seconds, then she burst out laughing. "Is that better for you?" She askedm.

"Actually I don't care how you speak to be honest, I'd love you just the same"

"Aww come here you romantic douche"

"What did you call me?"

"Umm nothing..."

"That does it!" I said then wrestled her to the floor and sat on her, pinning her down.

"No one calls me a douche and gets away with it!" I say to her menacingly.

"Ooooh I'm so scared!" She replied in mock terror.

"You should be" I said with a growl, childish I know but what can you do? That said I once again placed my lips in hers.

A while later we were sitting up against a tree trunk just talking. We were talking about what to do when suddenly Lola shouted out "Why on earth are we thinking about the future when we should be thinking about how to get out of this forest?" It was then that I noticed that it had started to get dark and soon after my tummy rumbled, confirming that we had missed lunch and had therefore been out for ages. Not only that but we were going to miss dinner as well if we couldn't find our way out. 3 hours of pointless searching for a way out and we had given up. We once again slumped to the ground and sat talking. After a while Lola's head began to droop so I scooted overs to where she was sitting so she could lay her head in my lap. Soon after I was snoring too.



Hiya guys! So as you know moving tomorrow which means that I might not be able to post chapters which is why I have written 3 in the space of 2 days. Like I said before I might write them on here then publish at school but I'm not promising anything! Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Just to say that you amazing people have helped me get 500 reads!!!!! If you could help me reach 1000 reads then I would love you forever! It would also mean a lot and if you get 10 of your friends to read it then tell me on pm and I'll dedicate a chapter too you and read one of your books! Au revoir for now ma petite lecteurs! xxx

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