Chapter 20

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Lola's POV

As we sat in companionable silence eating our breakfast I couldn't help thinking about the events of the last few days. I had been kidnapped then saved but I was still technically kidnapped, even though it was willingly. It seemed so weird that my considerably boring life had been turned upside down in a matter if days. "What are you thinking about?" Wilfred asked me.

"Just stuff.... Stuff that's happened and stuff that hasn't yet happened"

Before he could reply an almighty crash rang out through the house. We both jumped to our feet and ran towards the direction where the noise came from. It was the lounge and it was covered in glass. Someone had chucked a brick through the glass with a note attached saying one word 'Traitor'.

"Well I reckon that's for me" Wilfred said jokingly. But I was worried, what happens if they do it again but someone is in the room? They could get hurt!

"We need to get away from your house! Everyone knows where you live! At least with my house the only people that know where I live think that I've been kidnapped by the Posh!"

"Very good point" he agreed. He ran up the stairs, presumably to pack and get dressed and I just sat there. After all, I had nothing to pack!

A few minutes later he was down with a small bag and my clothes from the day before. I slipped them on quickly and decided to do my morning routine at my own house. We walked out side together and got into Wilfred's car. It wouldn't start. Wilfred got out and looked at the engine, turns out the battery had been stolen so it looked like we were walking. We started off at a jog down the pavement but it wasn't long before I was huffing and puffing. "I am so unfit!" I exclaimed.

Wilfred was breathing heavily as we'll so we sat down under a tree. A few minutes passed in silence and Wilfred was the first to break it "What do we do if no one forgets?" Just thinking about it left a void of fear inside of me and left me shaking with fear... What if no one ever forgives me for falling in love with a Poshington?



Hello :) sorry last nights chapter was so short, my battery ran out as soon as I clicked publish! Luckily it published otherwise I would have lost it! Anyways I hope you liked it! Vomment!! :) target 450 reads!! XXX

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