Chapter 12

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Lola's POV

I woke up in darkness. My head was spinning an I had a pain in my neck. My hands and feet were tied together an I had a gag on my mouth. I wanted to scream but I couldn't, nothing would come out. As my eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, with the light from the gap under the door, I assessed my surroundings. I was in a cupboard. Probably a caretakers store cupboard. But why? Memories of the past day came flooding back and I remembered that I had been kidnapped by some Posh people. I was scared, very scared. I heard voices outside and people yelling at each other. I suddenly realised that I was hungry so I cried out "I'm hungry!" I heard a masculine voice reply "Oh so the cowardly Rebel has woken up and she wants food? Well she's going to have to work for it!" The door opened and rough hands pulled me out. The daylight was blinding after being in the dark for so long. I started screaming. "Shut up you're hurting our ears" said one of the three men that had kidnapped me. He had blonde, unkempt hair and he was actually quite cute... But not my type. "Yeah shut up" said a geeky looking one with glasses and a brown bowl cut. "Argh quit copying me will you?" Blondie said. "B-b-but I wasn't" Geeky said. "QUIT ARGUING YOU TWO!" that was obviously the leader of the three and on closer inspection he had a badge that said Head Boy so he was probably in charge of the students as well. The three were dragging me down a corridor to yet another room, all the while Blondie and Geeky were still bickering and Head Boy was trying to keep the peace. The room they took me to looked like a classroom that hadn't seen the light of day in years. It's blinds were drawn and there was dust everywhere. They rudely shoved me in and promised to be back in a bit with food. They untied my feet and took the gag off my mouth but left my hands tied together. They walked out and shut the door. I heard a key turn and I was locked in. Trapped.



Quite a long chapter for me! I had fun writing it though! Sorry for the late publishing :( I was up late at night writing it for you! Comment, vote and tell your friends! Xxx

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