A Break

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I always wonder why my Ipod is full of sad or depressing songs, but thats my music. And no, im not goth or emo. Im listening to Leave Out All The Rest, by Linkin Park. And im a wreck. A little embarrassed too. I dont. Are right now, i think im gonna stay at grandmas for awhile until im ready to come back home. Icant handle this right now, i trusted Robert AND my mom for taking it slow! To me, thats kind of betrayal. But whats done is done and cant be undone now, kinda why im so upset, if it was something harmless, i would still be in my room. I stay at the grave for a couple more minutes, then i sneak into my backyard, get my bike, and ride to my grandmothers, thankfully, she doesnt live that far.
I arrive at my grandparents house, and i see they are shocked and worried. "Taylor, what happened!?" My grandma stop whatever she was doing and walks over to me, keep in mind im still crying.
"L-life isnt, isnt f-fair...." I stutter.
"Does your mom know where you are?"
"No, i cant see or talk to her for now, i feel betrayed by her and her boyfriend...." My crying calms down a little.
"What happened, sweetie?"
"We better sit." I say as we walk into the living room, with a concerned grandfather watching me sit. "Robert, moms boyfriend, spent the night, and i just found out that mom is pregnant! She said she would take it slow, but she didnt...." I see both of them are speechless.
"Taylor, you cant control your mother, shes your mother, not vise versa, and you should be happy for them, theyve been dating for awhile and they are obviously happy." I guess she makes a point, but i just need at least a night to calm down. Then my grandmas phone goes off. "Its your mother, probably asking where the hell you are..." I nod, and she answers.
"Oh my god! Is Taylor by any chance there!? Shes not here or at the cemetery!!!!"
"Yes, shes here, she must have rode her bike or something." My grandma is so laid back, its crazy how she deals with these types of things.
"Oh thank god! Okay, and tell her im sorry and to come home, please."
"Nicole, i dont think her coming home is an option right now, she needs to calm down for a little bit. But i will tell her that your sorry."
"Does that mean shes staying there the night?"
"Probably, dont worry, ill send her home tomorrow around lunch time at the latest. This was a big bomb dropped on her, on top of the general thinking of you and Robert so, just give her time. She will eventually have to accept it, but these things take time so just give it to her."
"Okay, i will, thank you and see you tomorrow."
"Okay, bye." Grandma hung up. "Your mother was worried sick! And she also apologizes, shes going to give you time to calm down, thanks to me, so you, need to calm down, and think!" There she is, thats the grandma pep talk i was waiting to hear.
"Okay, grandma, im going to up to my room and listen to music."
"Okay, im going to make sandwiches for lunch so i hope your hungry."
"Okay, i want peanut butter, please!" I say as i walk up the stairs to my room, i walk in and see Oreo on my bed, sleeping. Oreo is my grandmas tuxedo cat, shes mean to everyone except me, so i love her. I pick her up and put her on my lap, i turn on my tv and switch to my playstation, i listen to spotify on there, then i play either call of duty, destiny, or grand theft auto to get some steam out, or just to not be bored. Then i hear my grandma say that lunch is ready, so i walk down and grab my sandwich. I log out of spotify, and watch a movie instead, trying to keep my mind off of things, even though im supposed to think about the situation. I decide to watch a comedy, so i choose Hollywood Homicide. I dont care if its rated R, its too funny not to watch. And i actually cheer up a little. The smell of tacos catches my nose, so i pause the movie and walk down stairs into the kitchen. "Is that tacos?" I ask, still sniffing the air.
"Yes, i decided it might cheer you up so." My grandma says, turning away from the rice.
"Ok, fine by me. I am actually feeling a lot better, i guess i did need time. I think ill ride home after dinner."
"Oh okay, thats good to hear."
We finish dinner, i help clean up a bit, then i shut my tv off in my room, grab my Ipod and earbuds, say goodbye to Oreo, and i hop on my bike and head home. I see Robert is still there, but im fine. I take a deep breath before i walk in, then i see them look at me with shock, then they apologize, a lot!
"Oh my god, Taylor, im so sorry! I didnt know this was so hard on you!!" My mom explains.
"Mom, im fine now. No, im not entirely happy, but you two deserve eachother, and i shouldnt be telling you what to do, your my mom, im not yours. Grandma helped me throughout the day, and im happy for you two." I explain, tearing up a little for no reason.
"We need to get you a new door...." My mom says with a whoops face.
"Why?" I ask curiously.
"It was locked and you wouldnt answer it, so Robert kinda kicked it down..."
"Seriously!?" They both nod. Geez, i hope im not like that when im a parent. "Its fine, but im going to go watch tv in my room so see you tomorrow, night."
"Youll have a new door on tomorrow. I promise."
"Mom! Its fine, dont worry about it!" I say as i keep walking towards my room.
"Taylor wait, we need to talk to you about something else also..." My mom says, and my anger suddenly comes back.
After a couple hours after finding out that Taylor is safe, me and Robert were talking about the future.
Cliffhanger!!!! And by the way, next chapter is the last and sadly, no sequel. Thank you for reading, i appreciate it. Thanks guys!!!

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