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I wake up and  i see that im late, i mustve forgot to set my alarm. I get up out of bed, running to my dresser and throwing random clothes on my bed. I quickly get dressed and make a sloppy bowl of cereal, leaving a mess on the counter. My mom has the day off, so she will probably clean it when she notices, then yell at me later. I quickly eat, making another mess. Make a lunch, throwing cheese on bread, and grabbing a bag of chips, all threw into my lunchbox. I brushed my hair, teeth, and washed my face really quickly, then waited for the bus, it came a minute after i went out. I arrived at school, thank god im off of that annoying and smelly bus. I walk into homeroom and said hi to Robert, then took a seat and waited for homeroom to start.
Today was a little weird in ELA and social studies. In ELA well, you know why. He actually barely looked at me, but i dont care. But social studies i wondered why. So after the afternoon announcements are done, im going straight to Mr. Palmers classroom.
I dropped my stuff off at Roberts room, not even acknowledging his presence, then i walked out. I saw that Mr. Palmers door was closed, so i just stormed in and i could tell i surprised him. "Hey Taylor, whats up? Mr. Stark didnt do anything today, right?" He asked.
"By any chance, are you the reason hes not even noticing my presence anymore?!" I snap at him.
"What! No of course not! I havent even talked to him since yesterday! Why would you think that!?" He said, matching my voice, but not with anger. Okay, now i feel bad for snapping at him.
"Im sorry, just in ELA, he didnt even look at me really. But im not mad i guess, even though i seem it. But im confused that social studies was weird. Why was social studies weird, Mr. Palmer?"
"How was it weird, Taylor?" He asked.
"You werent yourself today..." I say, disappointed.
"What do you mean?" He says, confused.
"Like, your usually really happy and optimistic. Today, you acted like you dont care about anything anymore, and you snapped at Aaron. All she did was crack her knuckles, which is what she always does!" I explain. "So, whats up with you?" He sighs, okay, i see its definitely something bad or embarrassing.
"You and Tony arent... Together, right?" He asks, im shocked by the question.
"I dont think so, why?" He sighs again, i dont think he wants to tell me.
"Listen, im sorry that i snapped when you said that you and him kissed. And that i snapped at Aaron..."
"Okay, i forgive you, and you also have to apologize to Aaron, but you still havent answered my question."
"I dont want to get fired, but i think, im growing some feeling for you..." He says fast under his breath. He what!?
"Im sorry, i just got a little jealous i guess..." After he said that, Tony storms in.
"Mr. Stark, what are you doing here?" I ask.
"Looking for you..." He says, standing next to me.
"Why, you barely knew i was in class today..." I say rudely.
"Listen, im sorry for that, i have feelings for you, but i dont know how far or fast i want to take anything. I just wanted to act like your teacher so nobody suspects anything." He says quickly. Then i think he realizes that Henry is here too.
"Um, Tony, unless you have something else to say, please exit my room, me and Taylor were having a discussion." Mr. Palmer finally speaks up. I thought i would like to boys to fight over me, but i honestly dont like this.
"Well, nice talking to both of you, but i should get go-" Before i could finish, Robert storms in, and he looks pissed.
"What the hell is going on here!?!?" He yells angrily.
"What do you think?!" Tony snaps. "I like your daughter, okay? I was going to remind her until you interrupted."
"How did you know she would be in here!?" Robert asks. Im frightened because all three look very angry and strong. Even Henry who isnt in the conversation, really.
"Because shes always with.. Him!" Tony says pointing at Henry, then Henry loses it too.
"At least she chooses to be around me instead of me forcing her like someone in this room!!! Plus, i never kissed her either!!!!" Henry pitches in, its a little funny when hes angry, but im not laughing right now. Then, before i know it, the anger turns towards me now...
"Why do you always come here Taylor?" Robert says, not yelling, but suspiciously.
"Because, unlike you two..." I say, pointing to Robert and Tony, "Henry, helps me through things! Hes nice and caring, he doesnt force anything, and hes not dating my mother!!!" I snap at the two, i see Henry smile for a second. Both of them are speechless and surprised i would say such a thing.
"So, your trying to tell me, that you like Henry, more than me?" Tony asks.
"Yes, because he doesnt make me stay after for stupid and pointless reasons! Okay, sure, your cute Tony, but honestly, your personality, sucks." I then cover my mouth with shock, i cant believe i just said that, even if its true, still. I see him get angry and sad at the same time, then storm out of the room.
"Okay, that happened, but why are you pissed at me then!?" Robert asks.
"Because, i still havent fully accepted you and my mom being together. I also dont keep important secrets. Sure, weve had some fun, but i still dont fully trust you."
"Yet, you trust Henry more than me, just because hes not dating your mother?"
"I dont want to discuss this now, im taking the bus home today. See you both tomorrow." I say, walking to the door, then i get stopped.
"Your not taking the bus, and we arent done. Im not doing this to be mean to you, Tay. But to protect you fom people like Tony." Robert said, kind of whispering.
"Dont call me Tay, and please stop acting like your my father. And if i dont go now, ill miss the bus so.." I try to push him away from the door, but its no use. "Fine, what do you want to discuss?" I ask in a sarcastic nice voice.
"Just, dont get into a relationship, unless its someone you own age, not a druggy, or a partier or those kinds of boys."
"Okay, dad..." I say sarcastically, emphasizing the word "dad".
"Im serious, and now we can go. Luckily, tomorrow is Saturday, so you dont have to think about school" Robert says as we walk into the hallway and to his room. Well today was full of confessions and surprises. Thank god its the weekend!

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