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BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. Ugh... I hit my alarm clock and sit up in my bed slowly. Why does it have to be so loud?! I get up and pour myself some organic cereal. It actually isnt that bad. I set up a tray in front of the tv and start eating. I hear my moms alarm go off. She comes out with a tshirt and sweatpants on. Then i see Robert follows her, hes in his clothes from yesterday. They make coffee, i just ignore them and zone into the tv. "Do you mind if i take a quick shower?" I hear Robert ask my mom.
"Sure, hold on, let me get you some clothes." She walks into her room for a minute, then comes out with my dads old light blue dress shirt and black slacks. I remember that they were too small for my dad. "Here, these maybe a tiny bit big on you, but my husband never really worn them."
"Okay, thanks." Robert walks into the bathroom. I finish my cereal and get clothes from my room. I choose jeans and a Levis tshirt. After Robert comes out of the bathroom, i go in and grab my wristwatch. Then i brush my hair, brush my teeth, and wash my face while im in there. After im done, i walk into the kitchen and make a sandwich for lunch. Grab a couple of Oreos, and put them in my little container. I put both in my lunchbox, then put my lunchbox in my backpack. I watch tv until i have to look for the bus. My mom leaves a little after i do. Robert walks into the living room and checks the time. "Hey Taylor, need a ride? Im already here, and i know you hate the bus."
"Okay, you saved my morning." I say.
"Alright, im leaving soon, you can put your stuff in the car, i can meet you out there." I nod, get up, hug my mom and say goodbye. Then i walk out the front door and into his car. A minute later i see him walking to the drivers side, and we head to the school.
About ten minutes later, we arrive at the school. We walk in together, he gets here earlier than the students, so i have time to do whatever before everyone arrives. I see him at his desk and checking his emails. Then a knock is at the door. "Come in!" Robert yells. The door opens and its my favorite person, Mr. Stark. "Hey Tony, whats up?" Robert says, i just sit there trying to be invisible, but that doesnt work at all.
"Hey Rob. Hello Taylor." Mr. Stark says, sitting on the desk next to me.
"Hi.." I say, im now uncomfortable again. They start talking and another knock is at the door.
"Come in!" Robert says again, and Mr. Palmer walks in. "Hey, Henry!"
"Hey everyone! I see you have Taylor this morning." Mr. Palmer says.
"Yeah, i spent the night at Nicoles so, i saved her from the bus today." Robert says. Mr. Palmer is looking at me suspiciously. Like he knows im uncomfortable for some reason.
"Well, Taylor while your here, i need to show you some work you didnt complete in your packet." Mr. Palmer says, what work? I did it all, i didnt know what he was talking about. I see Robert nod. Mr. Palmer signals for my to come with him, so i get up and walk out the door. Mr. Palmer closes the door, then i start to talk.
"I did all of my packet work though, why did you say i didnt?" I ask.
"I know you did, but you looked like you needed to get out of there." He said.
"I did?" I ask innocently.
"Whats going on Taylor? You can tell me, i wont judge or tell anyone." He says with a faint smile.
"Well, its just that, Mr. Stark makes me a little uncomfortable..." I say.
"Was it the talk yesterday?" He asked as we walked into his room and he shut the door behind us. I nod, we sit in our chairs. "So, what did he really say?"
"Well, in ELA yesterday, the topic of the journal entry was what you like in someone or something. And after school, he wanted to know if what i wrote was about him..." I say, kind of fast to get it over with, but i dont feel uncomfortable anymore, maybe a little nervous though.
"Oh, and it wasnt, right?" He asked.
"Not specifically him, but maybe his type i guess, i dont know..." I say, im not really looking at him.
"You know he cant be with you, even if he wanted to, because its illegal." He said.
"I know, whats your point?" I ask confused why he said that.
"Oh, you dont think he likes you?" He asks me. Wait a minute, what?
"No, why? Should i???" I ask, my heart pounding out of my chest, and my eyes really wide.
"Well, i dont know, if i were him, i wouldnt have talked about it with you if i thought you wrote about me. I would just let it roll off of my shoulders." He explains. For some reason, he seems more of a guidance counselor than a teacher to me. At least right now at least.
"Oh.. I dont know, i cant tell with that stuff!" I say a little defensively.
"Hey, its okay, once again, i dont judge people. Even sometimes i cant tell!" He says trying to make me feel better. "Im glad you told me, it was weird seeing you not happy like you usually are. Hows your arm?" He says changing the subject. Thank god he did, i didnt want to talk about that anymore.
"Its fine, hows yours?" I ask more concerned about his. He rolls up his sleeve and shows me the really big bruise.
"It hurts to use this arm, but im fine. By tomorrow or the day after it should feel like its not there anymore. I just cant believe you did that though!?" He said. Then he rolled his sleeve back down. "Does yours look bad?" I roll up my sleeve to show him my bruise. "Eh, your tough, it must not bother you that much."
"My mom thought i got hit..." I chuckle.
"You did, by me not paying attention."
"It was my fault too. Especially since i was the one running and you were the innocent victim!" I say, then he chuckles.
"Yeah, but im oblivious, so it was both of us." It went quiet for a minute. "Well, you better get ready for homeroom, see you after lunch." He says.
"Okay, see you then!" I say as i got up from my chair and walked to my homeroom. Mr. Stark is still there, but they are finishing up.
"Well i got to go Robert. See you later!" Mr. Stark says. "See you in ELA, Taylor." I smile nervously.
"See you in ELA..." I say, my voice a little shaky. Then i hear kids in the halls.
Art was the same routine. Then i get to go to ELA, yay. I walk in and Ellie must be absent today, because shes usually here before me. So right now, its me, and Mr. Stark in his room... And its awkward, at least for me. "Hey Taylor, im sorry about yesterday, if it was uncomfortable..." He apologizes.
"Its fine..." Thats a lie, im still uncomfortable actually. I just cant wait until this class is over, then i can breath for the rest of the day. The class starts and we do journal entrys. The topic is favorite season, thank god, something i feel comfortable writing about. But im still very uncomfortable, because he keeps staring at me. But when i look at him, he turns away quickly, like what the hell man? Whenever he would pass my desk, he would have to do something, like glide his fingers across it or something like that. Okay.... The bell rings after we do some free reading. I thought this class would never end. Everyone bolts out the door, but i get stopped by Mr. Stark calling me. What now!? "Yes, Mr. Stark?" I ask.
"Could you please come by sometime after school?" He asks. Great, another talk... I just let it slide, because if i say no ill probably get in trouble.
"Can i ask why?" I ask.
"I need to discuss something with you, privately." Shit.
"Um... Okay...." I say, then he dismisses me. I dont tell anyone about that. Then in social studies, Mr. Palmer frequently asks how im doing. I lie for now, until he figures out the truth. So when the bell rings for end of social studies, he holds me back too.
"Taylor, whats wrong?" Mr. Palmer asks. I sigh, not looking at him.
"Mr. Stark wants to talk after school again.." I spit out. He cocks his head to the side.
"Want me to come with you?" He asks.
"No, i think i need to go alone. I dont think anything will happen. But im not excited either.." He nods his head in understanding.
"Okay, well tell me how it went after, okay?"
"Alright.." He dismisses me and i go to drama.
P.E. is over and now i get to go talk.... I put my stuff in Roberts room, and go to walk out again. "Hey, where are you going?" He asks.
"I have to go talk to Mr. Stark again.." I say, not too thrilled at all.
"Want me to come with you?" He asks. I shake my head. "Okay, i talked to him about it this morning, so he should be better."
"Its fine, ill be back in a little bit." I say as i walk out of his room, i get closer to Mr. Starks room, his door is closed. I knock and i hear him say "come in!" I walk in.
"Please close the door behind you." He says. "Here, take a seat." I walk over to the chair he pulled up. Okay, here we go.
Sorry guys, i had to leave you on a cliff hanger! What do you think will happen? Next chapter will be up soon. Comment what you think!

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