Feelings For A Friend

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So im driving home from my amazing experience at dinner. I cant stop think about Robert, and i cant wait to tell Taylor all about him when i get home. I just hope shes not sleeping. Anyways its a little after 9, later than expected. Everything is in my mind right now. Will Taylor like Robert? Is Taylor okay? Does Robert actually like me like i think i like him? Wait, what do i want for dinner tomorrow? Is his place as nice as i think it will be? Ugh. Stop it Nicole, your not a teenager going on her first date so calm down, and take a breather.
I pull into the driveway. Only like one or two lights are on in the house, so its hard to tell if Taylor is awake or not. I walk in trying to be a little quiet at least, i see Taylor is in the same spot spaced into the tv. "Taylor, im home." I let her know.
"Oh, hey mom, i didnt even see you come in. How was girls night out?" She asks.
"It was great, i have so much to tell you, but im going to get into PJ's quick. And take off the jewlery and makeup. So be right back." I say as i walk into the bathroom. I come out about ten minutes later and plop myself down on the couch next to Taylor.
"So, tell me what happened." Taylor says knowing im eager to tell her about tonight.
"I went to The Cracker Barrel, sorry i know you like it there, and me, Carry, and Lina were talking for a bit about boring things. Then, out of nowhere, this cute guy walks up to me and says that im pretty!" I explain.
"Woah, really? Then what happened? The same old excuse you give every other guy because you still have feelings for dad?" Taylor says sarcastically.
"Actually, i didnt this time. My friends told me to go with him, so i did. We sat at his table and talked for awhile."
"What did he look like?" Taylor asks concerned. "Oh, and his name would be helpful too."
"Well, he is only a little taller than you, he was wearing a nice suit, he has nice brown eyes, short dark brown hair that looks really fluffy, a little muscular and a little bit of stubble too." I say picturing Robert. "Oh, and his name is Robert Downey!"
"Nice, does he seem like a nice guy?" Taylor asks.
"Yes, if he didnt i wouldnt be going to his place for dinner tomorrow!"
"Wait, dinner? Tomorrow? His place? How?" Taylor asks surprised.
"Oh, i left out some things i see. After our little talk, he had to go, we exchanged numbers, made a plan, and hugged. He also kissed my hand before we left." I explain, once again, picturing Robert.
"Geez, all that in one night. I beg you not to rush it, okay?" Taylor asks.
"Yeah, sure, i dont see a rush anyways. That reminds me, i need to text him what i want." I say as i reach for my phones and that slip of paper with his number.
"Mom," Taylor says as she grabs my hand, "Hes probably asleep by now, just relax and wait until morning."
I sigh, because i knew i really wanted to text him, not just about the dinner, but a lot of other things. But shes right, ill just text him tomorrow morning.
"Okay, i guess your right. Which reminds me, im gonna go to bed, and you should do the same." I insist Taylor. She nods, gives me a hug and we both stand up and walk to our rooms.
A couple minutes later, my eyes just closed and my phone gets a text. I get out of bed to check it. Its Robert.
Hey, your probably asleep but i know youll see this. Anyways i hope you thought of the dinner you want. I cant wait to see you tomorrow, my address is 3182 Sunshine Blvd. See you at, ill say 4:30, because i want to see you as early as possible.
I read it and reply as soon as i can so he doesnt go to sleep.
Hey, and i cant sleep yet. And im thinking maybe a meal with chicken, i dont really care what kind, but im in the mood for chicken. And if you want, i could come earlier....
I take my phone from charging and bring it into bed with me. As soon as i put it down next to me, i get another text.
Okay, chicken parm it is. And ok, lets say, maybe 3:30 then? And im not even tired if you wanna keep texting...
I quickly read his response and i type fast.
Okay, sounds good. Chicken parm is one of my favorites! And that time is fine. Also, im not that tired either. But i dont know what to talk about.
BLEEP. Another text.
Tell me more about that daughter of yours.....
Well, for one, shes taller than me, and she looks a lot like me. People mistake us for sisters. And for two, you should meet her yourself one of these days. She is thirteen and her birthday is March 11th. She is a tomboy too. Thats pretty much all i can explain.
Right away, another text.
She sounds delightful. Maybe one day, youll invite me to your house for, i dont know, anything. Then i can meet her.
We talk about a lot in our lives and then we finally realize that its getting late and we can talk tomorrow. We both text goodnight and we fall asleep, waiting for tomorrow to come.

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