About That Small Change...

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A couple days past, its Wednesday, yes, moms date night. All ive been doing is staying in my room, playing video games and texting Aaron. I told Aaron about him, she was on my side, but not fully. She was saying that im right and my mom should take it a little slower, but, if shes happy then i should accept it. That may have pissed me off, only a little bit, because after that conversation, she made me laugh so. My mom would check in on me from time to time to see how i was. I didnt really acknowledge her presence when she did. But today, i have a plan. Remember when i said that i changed what i said? Yeah, i already have a plan. Surprisingly, Aaron is going to help me, i may have told her a white lie about my plan, but whatever. Im going to sneak into my moms date tonight. What Aaron knows is that she is going to climb into my bed and pretend to sleep if my mom checks on me before she leaves for her date. While i get dressed in a disguise and hid in the back of my moms car. I know she wont see me because she has a bunch of clothing spread out in the back, so ill just hide under those. Dont worry, im not going to ruin anything unless they kiss or something. My disguise will be a business women, or like office lady or something.
A couple hours later, my mom just got out of work and shes on her way home, Aaron just arrived so i give her some of my clothes to wear and get jumped into my bed while i got into my disguise in my closet. Just in case my mom bolts in here and surprises me and Aaron. I come out and Aaron comes out from my covers. "Holy crap, you dont even look like you!" She says.
"Why thank you, thats what im going for." I say turning so she can see the back too.
"What does this guy even look like anyways? Is he at least cute?" She asks. I look at her with a disgusted face.
"Okay, gross, thats my moms boyfriend your talking about." She laughs, then i continue. "Okay, hes not that much taller than me, he has chocolaty brown eyes, short dark brown hair, he kind of looks like a teacher, he has a little bit of muscle tone, but hes not ripped.." I go on.
"I dont know... He sounds kinda cute to me..." She says looking at my funny. Then we both hear my mom pull up in the driveway. She quickly covers herself and i quickly run to my closet. We hear her come in the door.
"Taylor?!" She yells. I hear her come closer, my heart pounding thinking that theres a small chance she might know its not me on my bed. She opens the door, then shuts it walking away to another part of the house. It worked! She bought it! I quickly walk out of my closet and sneak out my window. Then i head for her car and get in the back seat. I cover myself with all the crap in her back seat and wait.
Im getting ready for date night, i cant believe she likes Dave and Busters too! Anyways, i want to look my best, but im going for casual today. I had a lazy day, kind of like every day because i have the summer off from work. I pick out a black V-neck tshirt and a pair of white pants. Then my black and white Nikes. I tame my hair so almost every hair is where its supposed to be. I grab my phone and text Nikki.
Im not going to be fancy, im just wearing casual clothes. I wanted to let you know because i didnt want you to think that you were going to be overdressed when im dressed casual.
As i fix my shirt so it doesnt look too tight, my phone beeps.
Ok, thanks for letting me know. Ill be there shortly!
I grab my house key, my wallet, and my phones, and then i lock my house, waiting on my porch for her to come. A couple minutes later i see her car come. I open the door and get inside. I look at her and shes wearing a plain green tshirt with black pants on. "Hi" i say. She looks at me, and i see that she zoned out when she looked at my shirt. I look down, nothing there. Okay... Then i snap my fingers to snap her out of it. I raise an eyebrow. "Something you need to tell me?" I ask sarcastically.
"Oh sorry, hi." She apologizes. I gave her a grin. "I was just admiring your shirt..." She continued. I gave her a confused look.
"Admiring my shirt?" I repeat what she said as a question. "Do you like what you see?" I asked then i winked and gave her a grin. She smiled as she shook her head at me then pulled out of my driveway.
Soon enough, we arrived. We step out of her car, the met up at the front of her car walking towards the place. I make a bold move and grab her hand and held it. She didnt pull away as we walked into Dave and Busters, actually looking like a couple. We got seated at a table. "What are you having?" I ask.
"Um, either the burger or the chicken. Why? What are you having?" She then asked me.
"Im having what your having." I say.
"Oh, so now we are the couple that has to be the same, huh?" She asked sarcastically. I smiled.
"Oh, so we ARE a couple?" I say emphasizing the "are". She nods. Then we both smile. A second later i feel my mind is playing tricks on me, because i swear i hear someone say "no" behind where i was sitting. I look back casually and its just a lady who looks like she works at an office. Nothing to worry about.
"Whats wrong Rob?" Nicole asks looking a little worried.
"I thought i heard something." I say looking back at her.
We finish our dinner, then go and play some games together. There was this game called Big Bass Pro Wheel or something like that. She went over to it. It had this huge lever that you pull up, the when the screen says go, you push the lever down as hard as you can and the wheel inside with spin and stop at a number. The number is how many tickets you get. She paid the amount in the machine then waited for the screen. She put her hands on the lever when i came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her, looking over her shoulder. I then reached my hands to the lever, next to hers and we did it together. It spinned fast as i pulled her a step back from the game. Still holding her close as my head rested on her shoulder and we both giggled like kids. I must have luck because it stopped spinning and it landed on 100. She collected her tickets and quickly kissed me. I heard a bang from somewhere in the place, but my imagination must be playing tricks on me again.
So yes, im still spying on them. I though he was going to figure it out when he turned to look at me but no, i was wrong. I smacked my hand on a table when they kissed, again, i thought i was going to get caught by him, but no. I didnt stop the kiss because it wasnt that bad. Its the long ones, then ill make myself noticeable. But casually, like me "accidentally" bumping into Robert or something like that. Not me acting as the real me, then my mom will probably kill me or something. Its been about an hour and i think they are finishing up. So i just go back to the car and thank god my mom kept it unlocked so i could easily get in without being suspected. I just hope i dont miss anything. But then i hear them talking as they walk towards the car and get in.
Tonight was great, i had fun, and i think Nikki did too! We get back into the car and just look at eachother, she didnt even start the car, we just, gazed into eachothers eyes. Then, we started getting closer to eachother and then i realize that we are kissing. Our tongues explore eachothers mouthes and then she climbs over the center console and is now on my lap. We wrap our arms around eachother, mine around her torso and hers around my neck. We are still kissing, and my hands make their way to her butt. I cant help my self, i squeeze both of her cheeks and then, we hear something come from the back seat. We both stop and look back. I reach and pick up one of the many items of clothing back there to see that office lady. Nikki jumps off of me and back into the drivers seat. "Who are you?" I ask the creepy office lady. She takes off the glasses and hat. She looks up, kind of petrified, i wouldnt blame her though. I hear Nikki gasp.
"TAYLOR?!?!" She yells. Taylor nods her head and she looks ashamed.
"Im sorry, i... I just wanted to see if anything was actually going on between you two..." Taylor struggles to say, still with that frightened look on her face. "Which, i guess i was kind of right..." She continued.
"Wait, b..but you were sleeping when i left? Im so confused..." Nicole says with a confused face.
"That wasnt me, it was Aaron..." Taylor said softly, not looking at either of us.
"Aaron was in on this!? You dragged Aaron into it?!" Nicole says flustered. Taylor nods. It gets quiet, then Nicole finally drives me home. Nothing but silence filled the atmosphere. All i did was stare into space and think the whole time. Even though i think i just scarred my girlfriends kid, i was happy i found out she was there before it went further. One, i dont want to do that in front of her kid who hates me. Two, its still early yet, i dont want to rush anything. We arrived at my house, and i got out of the car, i didnt kiss Nikki goodbye because of Taylor. So i just shut the door behind me and walked up to my house, i didnt look back. They pulled away, i could here yelling coming from the car.

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