Its Not True, Right?

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As i went back to Robert, i was seriously thinking about what Taylor had said. As i walked back into my room, i realized that i was crying. Then i noticed Robert was standing right in front of me when i wiped the tears away. "Nicole, what happened?!" He asked as he came to wrap his arms around me, to make me feel safe.
"Its nothing... Really. Dont.. Just dont... Worry okay?" I said hyperventilating as more tears came.
"Well i am worried, your crying and i dont know why." He said as he tried to comfort me. I slowed down a little, he released me and we both sat on my bed. "Whats wrong? You can tell me."
"Taylor..." I said trying to find the words and also scared to tell him. He looked me straight in the eye, his expression said that everything's fine and i could tell him anything and everything. "Taylor, she thought that... We, you know..." His eyes widened with shock.
"What?! She really thought that?" He said really surprised. I nodded. "Listen, i wouldnt do that, thats basically taking advantage of you.." He continues.
"She also went on about how you are taking advantage of me, how i love you but you will realize you dont love me back and a bunch of other shocking things." I explain. He raises an eyebrow.
"Do YOU think i would do that?" He asks emphasizing the word "you". I shrug my shoulders.
"I dont know... I still dont really know you that well, but a part of me thinks you wouldnt." I say letting out a sigh.
"Well, the truth is, i wouldnt. Im not the person Taylor thinks i am. I know she doesnt trust me, or even like me at all, but maybe one day, she will come around. And im willing to wait for that time." He explains. Then i suddenly realize that we are both kinda undressed...
"Uh, Robert.." I say standing up and walking to my dresser to get clothes, almost giving him a reminder too. He looks at himself and realizes too, with a little embarrassment in his expression.
"Oh, whoops... I had no clue." He says nervously. Then he stands up walking over to his clothes on the ground, then quickly puts them on. "So, i do need a ride home, but i dont know how im gonna sneak past Taylor." He says. "Also, wait, you came out of this room, with barely any clothes on in front of your daughter!?" He asks. I nod, because Taylor is used to it, she knows i only sleep in my bra and underwear. I know she doesnt care.
"I did, i do every morning. She doesnt care, im her mother anyways." I say casually. "Also, youll be fine, Taylor is probably zoned out in the tv by now. We can easily sneak past her. You ready?" He nodds, then we walk out of my room and out the front door, trying to be somewhat quiet. Success. We get into my car, i hand Robert my phone telling him to text Taylor that ill be back in a half hour. Also telling him not to text her its him. "Im sorry, i forgot, where do you live again?" I ask. He just gives me directions and soon enough, im in his driveway.
"When can i see you again?" He asks opening the car door, but staying seated inside. Looking at me with those chocolaty brown eyes.
"Um, how about.." Im thinking for a perfect day, and this time not at my house where Taylor will flip out again. "Wednesday, around dinner time, at Dave and Busters?" I ask, hoping he likes games. He smiles a little.
"Sounds great, ill text you tonight." He gives me a goodbye kiss, then gets out of the car, closing the door behind him. He turns around having his hand on my car window as i back away slowly. I see him shove his hands in his pockets then turns around on his heel, then walks to his door.
Im on the road, i realize that i havent eaten or drank anything today. My car clock said eleven o'clock. So i stop at Starbucks quick, getting myself a latte and getting a double chocolaty chip frappiccihno for Taylor. She will kill me if i come home with Starbucks and having nothing for her too so i had to. My phone gets a text, i cant answer because im driving, so i pull over on the side of the road and see who it is.
Okay, im sorry for saying those harsh things earlier. Its just that i dont trust him. But i know that wont stop you so ill get out of the way. Just please dont expect me to act like his daughter, okay? Thats all i ask.
I read that and nodded. I didnt answer because ill just tell her what i have to say when i get home.
I pull back onto the road and continue heading home.   

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