Chapter 8

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"I told you this would happen," Ciel scolded me from inside the carriage. I was driving, but of course, I could still hear him.

I sighed, "Yes, my lord, I know. It was bad judgement on my part. Apologies."

"And I expected more from you, Sebastian. You could have easily cleaned up that mess, but instead you sided with her," he continued.

"After knowing the servants for such a long time, I did not expect them to react as they did. I figured they would simply dismiss the incident, as did Willow. My apologies, my lord," Sebastian explained.

"Your apologies aren't going to help our current situation," he huffed.

We responded, "I'm sorry, my lord." I knew it was really my fault, and that Sebastian had nothing to do with our predicament.

It was silent for a moment before he asked, "So, what do we do now?"

"I'll pull the carriage over so Sebastian and I may switch spots. We'll have to take back roads during the day and the main ones at night," I said.

Sebastian argued, "That will leave us vulnerable during all times of day."

"It's this or we get mobbed by mortals of whom we cannot harm in any way as that will only bring more terror upon us with the Reapers. So, do you have any better suggestions?" I snapped. He was silent. "That's what I thought. Now, trust me, Sebastian, this isn't what I wanted to happen, but it's our only option."

"Is it going to work, though?"

I paused, "Depending on what you mean by 'work.'"

Ciel clarified, "Are we going to die from it?"

I hesitated, "Of course not."

He said, "A servant always answers her master clearly and confidently without hesitation, correct?"

I nodded, "Indeed, my lord. Apologies. We will be fine." They were quiet. Maybe they knew I was lying to them. Or how unsure I really was about the whole dilemma.

Whether anyone wanted to state it or not, we had all recognized that whenever we thought we had found a tactic to stick to, something was thrown in our way. A lot of things were going wrong. I was afraid if one more thing went awry, then Ciel would have me go back to the Reapers. I didn't think he would, but there was always that chance.

I couldn't shake this feeling that I was missing something. Something that if I found out, maybe it would be the key to getting out of the situation I was in. It felt like it was right in front if me; dangling right in front of my face. If I got close enough to touch it, it would yank itself back and put even more distance between us than the first time.

I couldn't be imagining it anymore. Whatever was being hidden needed to come into the light. I needed to know what was missing. 

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