{ T W E L V E }

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It is my third month in college, and it is hell so far. Two more months to go before semestral break. The mid semestral week is starting and I'm starting to cram to make sure I got all the notes properly without missing anything.

One mistake can cause a lot of damage.

Yeah, just like deciding to stay in this dormitory

School is pressuring me and the extra curricular clubs I joined in is making my schedule hectic. But it is a good distraction so I don't have to stay at the dorm for so long. The room gives me Harry vibes and it send shivers down my spine. All of a sudden Harry's presence annoys me and irritates me.

After that day, I became distant to Harry. I barely talk to him. I barely see him. I will just ask him to clean his mess and then we're back to the silent treatment. I already convinced myself to stop caring for him.

He didn't say sorry for his actions nor show that he is sorry for his words. I'm not expecting him to anyway. That is my problem, I kept on expecting and I kept on forgiving him.

I'm focusing on my studies more and stay here for the first semester before leaving and have a better roommate who haven't;

1. Taken me to a party before the first day of college.
2. Humiliated me in front of his friends.
3. Told me I was a s.lut and a w.hore.
4. Who asked me to stay and then say he doesn't want me to be around him.
5. And someone who knows how to say sorry and meant it.

Even if I stay in the dorm, I avoid him most of the time especially in school and the newsletter team. I only talk to him in school if I have to pass the news article that he has to finalize. He goes home either very early and lock himself in his room or either he goes home very late and I'm already asleep on the couch.

I hang out with Elise and Vane but not that much considering they heard what Harry said. They are the ones who kept saying "I'm sorry" to me. I always tell them that its alright and its not their fault. I kept on working with them for the newspaper and I ask them things that I should be asking Harry but I don't want to.

Right now, I'm studying at the library - at the same secluded place - for the semestral exams tomorrow. I kept re-writing and re-calling notes for me to memorize. I was peacefully reviewing when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out because maybe its an emergency but all I read was;

Unknown Number

"I'm sorry." 

I replied saying;

"Its okay."

Maybe its Vane or Elise who won't stop telling me sorry for a week now. Yes, its been a week. A week of successful avoidance of Harry and his presence.

"I'm sorry."

Another text showed up from the same unknown number. I furrowed my eyebrows while typing a reply to the unknown sender. It needs to stop.

"Vane or Elise, please stop saying sorry. Its not your fault."

"Why would you think this is them?"

I felt all my blood from my body drained. What if this is a serial killer or kidnapper? I blocked the number and put my phone on silent mode before I continued reviewing.

I placed my phone on the table and minutes passed my phone lights up. I received a new message again from an unknown sender.

"Chastity please don't block the number."

I blocked the new number but the message won't stop coming in from another unknown sender. How the hell did they know my name? I'm getting paranoid. I kept blocking the numbers but the messages won't stop.

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