Ticci Toby

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Toby... Where do I start? 

Well, if I interview all the others, I bet the most common words used would be 'annoying', 'stubborn', 'immature' and 'waffles'. 

Toby feels free in the mansion, as he no longer feels people will make fun of him, therefore let's his 'true self' slide. Toby is incredably hyper active (He is diagnosed with ADHD) making him too much to handle at times, as he is constantly being nosey and talking. Yes, Toby is quite talkative. Toby likes to see what the others are doing, and enjoys trying to 'help'. (Help meaning 'Create-a-huge-mess-that-Masky-will-be-blamed-for-later'.) Toby is a bit inconsiderate, and is selfish at times- especailly with his favorite food. Toby is very clingy around his freinds, and can sometimes be cocky. He is eager for constant attention. Toby is also eager to please others, especially Slenderman, as Toby sees him as a father. Toby likes to think that he doesn't need help with anything, and will try to tell Slenderman that he (Toby) is the best. Toby is obviously always bubbly and cheerful throughout the day.  

All that being said, at least Toby isn't mean. Toby isn't afraid to be as crazy as he can be. If you enjoy the waffle-smelling company, then good for you! It just takes time to reconize the bright sides of Toby. 

But away from the others, Toby is suffering. Many Nightmares, migrains, and hallucinations. When it comes to his 'missions', Toby just does what Slenderman asks. He is not into blood and gore as much, but has twisted ways of hurting you... He's trying them soon. 

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