BEN Drowned

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BEN Drowned- It's not easy to get to know this cyber-ghost, since he is usually playing video games, and is not very social with others.

Though, if you manage to engage in a conversation with him, you'll immediatly notice his main personality type. 

First thing to notice- BEN is actually quite shy. He is often eager to please, so he will keep talking to a minimum so that he can get to know YOU before he exposes his true self. If you are patient, you wil notice he can be quite talkitive and yes, somewhat 'perverted'. But you should understand that BEN died at when hitting puberty,  so he is, and forever will be stuck in that akward stage of life. 

That being said, BEN is very intellegent for his age. He has incredable knowledge about computers, electronic devices, and has rapid mathamatic skills. He can easily manipulate others and enjoys doing so for his own entertainment. BEN is that one that will always be a step ahead of you. 

Although BEN has a good sense of humor, it's easy to go 'over board' around him. BEN is sensitive and almost any mean trick on him can result in tears or a temper tantrum. He tends to over-think every little problem he experiences. BEN also has a bad habit of seeing something and then asuuming that it is exactly how he saw it. In other words, he doesnt understand that 'not everything is as it seems'. And be careful if you upset BEN- he will not forgive you straight away, as he holds grudges often. 

Overall, BEN is an exciting, amusing, and fairly trustworthy friend to have. He likes his alone time, so respect that too. BEN is both mature and immature in many ways, though BEN knows he's slightly above the others in intellegence and commen sense... usually. 

On the otherside... BEN is in fact horrifying. In secret, all the others fear BEN in this state, and when BEN is mad, everyone stays away from him just in case. How is BEN scary? No, it's not so much his looks. With a combination of manipulating texts and horrifying images on your TV and computer screen, BEN has you trapped in his own little video game... 

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