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Slenderman is the "Father Figure" of the mansion in which the Creepypasta's live. He takes charge and sees himself as responsible for all the others in his company. Slenderman thinks of everyone living in his mansion as his children, and therefore has a motherly/fatherly nature towards them in general. Slendy is basically like a parent, and teaches them things parents would to their chidren. 

Slenderman is incredably intellegent (is even above his brothers in IQ) and is quick to make decisions. He will always want to know what is going on around him since he likes to be very organized in his thoughts and likes to keep up to date on things. 

Slenderman is not easy going, but has a soft heart in truth. He may not seem to treat everyone equally, but he loves everyone the same. If you have a good record with Slenderman, you might be able to push him into giving you something you want. If not- well, he can be stubborn, though Slendy does not usually hold grudges. 

Slenderman can be grumpy, and like humans, he does have mood swings. Just don't bother him. In bad moods especially, he can be annoyed VERY easily. Other times, he has a bit of humor, but does not understand "dirty jokes". Slenderman will punish those who disobey him- but nothing major. Unless you are not his family. Then he will probably kill you. 

Now, Slenderman obviously has a scary side. There are two versions of this- the scary side when someone messes with dinner- or the other side, when he finds you in the woods. Do not cross his path- he is very protective of the under-realm and his family. 

Although Slenderman does not quite understand "love", he finds it amusing to see some of his family members embrace it. 

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