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Sally- The youngest out of the 'family'. 

Sally is cheerful, bright, bubbly, curious, and kind. If you can ignore the blood streaming down her face, then she looks like an average, happy little girl. And overall, Sally is happy. 

Although Sally is far behoned her 8 year old maturity, she still highly enjoys playing with dolls, tea parties, etc. This leads to her being underestimated by others, though Sally is truly more mature than her eternal age. She is very sociable and loves other's company, and enjoys any type of game she and her companions could play. 

Sally naturally looks up to everyone around her- after all, she is the youngest. She will copy anything you do that appeals to her- oh, and don't say a bad word in front of her. She will ask what it means, and if you refuse to tell her, she will repeat it constantly until you give in. She is clever this way, so beware of her curiosity. 

Sally secretly keeps an open eye out for others she cares about, and is very good at guessing how you truly feel towards something. She will often try to help you out if you look upset about something. She will willingly do favours for other and is always obedient. 

Sally is also very cautious about her surroundings, and will explore anywhere new she finds to relax herself. She will silently panic if she doesn't understand whats going on around her. She prefers to cry where no one can see her, if that is an option. 

But don't try to annoy her. She will think you are immature and will get upset with you. Luckily, Sally is very forgiving though.

But if you hurt one of her beloved family members, you need to get out of there, NOW! Remember, Sally has killed before. Although she doesn't like to think such dark thoughts, she won't hesitate to hurt you if she knows you deserve it. 

Sally doesn't want to bother anyone with her own worries, so she has Charlie, her teddy bear. But that's a different story... 

Creepypasta--Character's PersonalitiesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin