
After I finish with the food, I make us both a plate. I bring his to him and set mine on the coffee table. I go back into the kitchen and I get us some Kool-Aid.

"Thanks." Jayden was about to dig in.

"Hey. We say grace before we eat dinner. Come on. Bow your head and hold my hands." I instruct.

I say grace and then we start to eat. He presses play on the movie. We finish eating and I get a piece of gum for the both of us.

"What's the gum for?" he ask.

"We just ate some food and I'm not bout to kiss you with no funky ass breath." I put my piece in my mouth.

"Ok, that makes sense."

I lay back into his arms as the movie plays. My head is on his chest and he puts his chin on top of my head. I start to feel sleepy halfway through the movie. Closing my eyes, since I have seen this movie three times before, I drift off to sleep. I wake up the next morning to see that I'm in a room. I try to get out of the bed, but there is a pressure on my waist holding me down. I look down and see Jayden's are wrapped around me. I get out of bed without waking him and I go to the bathroom.

"Hey Bandit, do you wanna go out?" I ask.

He wags his tail and I go get his leash. After I'm done taking him out, I take a shower and start to cook breakfast.

"Good morning." I hear Jayden's sleepy voice.

"Good morning. Go take a shower and breakfast should be done by then." I tell him

"Alright." he leaves.

I soon hear the shower going. I continue to cook, when the front door opens. I look and see that it's Peanut and Angie.

"Hey, what are you two doing here?" I ask.

"I live here." Peanut says.

"Don't get smart." I mug him.

"You can't get something that you've always had." he smiles.

"More like, never had." Angie reaches for a pancake.

"What you doing, move back." I slap her hand.

"Come on, I'm pregnant." she whines.

"I know you are, and I'm sure that you've had breakfast already."

"She did." Peanut explains.

"You're supposed to be on my side." Angie glares at Peanut.

"If there's any left, you can have that." I tell her.

"Hey." Jayden comes out of the room, dressed.

"What's up?" Peanut gives him some dap.

"So, did you two get it on till the break of dawn or nah?" Angie looks at us.

"No we didn't." I shake my head at her.

"Come on girl sex is great. Well, except for the first time. That shit hurt like a bitch."

"Yeah, when we first fucked, yo ass got a whole lot of strength. I couldn't move, that's how strong you were that day." Peanut wraps his arm around her.

"Hell yeah, that shit hurt."

"Well, I'm going to fuck, when I am damn well ready to. Not because others want me to, ok?" I look at Angie.

"E.V. now you know that I'm not pressuring you, I am just playing. When the time feels right, that's when you do it. That's what I did, and I'm glad that I did it with Peanut."

"Me too. I may not have been the only guy that you were with, but I got three things that they didn't have." Peanut kisses her forehead.

"I thought you two only messed around for three months." Jayden looks confused.

"We did. See when we were sixteen, I had a boyfriend and I wanted to have sex, but I didn't want him to have my virginity. So I talked to Peanut about it and one thing lead to another and we both gave our virginity to each other." Angie leans her head on Peanuts shoulder.

"Oh." Jayden nods.

"Foods done." I give Jayden his plate.

"Is there more?" Angie smiles.

"Yes there is." I tell her.

She gets out of her chair and goes get a plate. We eat breakfast and I take care of Bandit. I call my daddy and let him know that I'm okay before we leave for school.



I really want to see the perfect guy

And if you have seen it, please, don't give any spoilers.

It's that time again


What's your favorite kind of cookie?

I love peanut butter cookies. They are so delicious. Especially when they're big and soft. In fact, I'm going to go bake some right now.

Thanks for everything

I love all of you


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