notre passé et présents (a Sirius Black love story) Introduction

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Introduction: Present day

Wind blew loudly around her, covering up the sound of the click of her heels. She had been on a mission for 16 years, now she was returning home. Since she had been nowhere near civilization she had no idea what had happened in those 16 years. She was dressed to kill in her black skinny jeans, V neck, nude colored top, leather jacket, and black high heeled sandals. A nude colored clutch was filled with weapons to keep herself safe, she had a pearl burst necklace on to make herself more fashionable since she hated looking bad even during dangerous situations. Her makeup was a smokey eye and clear lip gloss, as she tried to make herself look even better then she did.

As the wind blew harder she carefully stepped up the stairs to the door of a house. She had powers like no one would believe, she was powerful and strong, yet still she cared for the people she loved.

After knocking of the door a young man answered the door. She was surprised by who she saw standing in the doorway. "Do the Potter's live nearby?" she asked, forcing sweetness into her voice. Thoughts whirled around in her brain as she looked at the man in the house, the house she used to visit.

"I'm sorry, I don't know who you are talking about," he closed the door as the woman walked away and down the streets. Knowingly, a storm was brewing, as lightening lit up the night and hail and rain fell. Yet she remained untouched by the storm, perhaps that was because she had created it, or that what was going on now, was just what she felt inside.

"What happened?" she said, her resolve breaking down. Everyone she had cared about were gone. Though she knew one last place to look, hoping that they would all be there safe and sound. That isn't always the case though, she would know, she had watched so many people die.

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