Ethan led me to a sleek black car and I wondered where it had come from.

"I had it brought over when we were on our flight here," Ethan answers my silent question. I nod my head, getting into the car. Ethan sighs  contently as he begins our drive. He even tried to grab my hand, thinking that I'd allow him to. No, instead I pull my hand away, and tuck them both into my hoodie pocket.

"Why must you be so difficult?" he asks quietly. It sounded more like he was talking to himself. I answer regardless.

"Why must you exist?" I snap. Frustrated, I huff air out and wait for the car ride to be over.

Ethan was quiet the whole rest of the ride to school and I was very happy for that. As we pulled up into the school I was quick to jump out unnoticed and walk towards the building. I heard Ethan call out my name and as he did Hunter looks up from his group of friends. His eyes were void of emotion as he looked between Ethan and I. I did the first and only thing I could do, I ran. I didn't look back at either as tears invaded my eyes.

I didn't know why I was crying, I just couldn't control myself. Seeing Hunter so emotionless never bothered me before, but for some reason it hurt this time.

"Xandria! Xandria!" I hear Ethan call. Finally, fed up I stop in the middle of the crowded hallways. I turn myself around on the heel of my foot and face Ethan with a fierce glare.

"Would you just fuck off already!" I snap. Gasps were heard from behind me. I turn slightly around to find my friends with shocked faces and mouths hanging open.

"She didn't just?"

"Say what I think she said?"

"Oh Goddess, she did!"

Dylan, Gaby and Kendall say all after each other. I roll my eyes staring back at the fuming Ethan.

"I am an Alpha, but more importantly your future Alpha. So I suggest you shut that little mouth of yours before I do something we will both regret," Ethan growls, his eyes were pitch black.

Something about him being angry didn't affect me. I stood my ground and crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm not going to apologize if that's what you want me to do. I'm sick and tired of you acting like I'm your little girlfriend, I don't even like you," I say calmly yet I could hear my voice faltering with anger towards the end. Ethan growls, taking a step forward.

"I suggest you take a step back before I make you," I hear a voice growl, overpowering Ethan's. I turn to looked behind me at an also angry Hunter. He steps in front of me in a protective way, blocking Ethan from my view. By now the hallways have cleared and it was only us three.

Ethan roars loudly, "she is mine. Give me back my property."

I grit my teeth at the words he used. I was not a thing, nor was I his property. I don't belong to anyone, especially not him.

"She is mine! Only mine, not yours. You little motherfucker better stay away from her or else I will make sure your ass goes back to France in a doggy bag," Hunter growls out. He was beginning to shake and Ethan took a small step of a fraction backwards. I knew that I was one of the only people who could control his wolf from releasing itself but I couldn't find myself to be confronted afterwards either. Instead I left the two fuming Alpha's and walked to my first class; English.

I was glad that everyone in the hallway has cleared out before they could hear Hunter call me his; that would have caused a lot of suspicion.

Maybe some Shakespeare will take away the stress and weight against my shoulders. Why did I have to be the girl with two Alpha's fighting over her? I thought one was bad enough, but two?! That's too much power for one girl to handle.

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