Chapter 6

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I woke up on the couch, cuddled up with Robin. He was still fast asleep, so I got up and poured myself some iced tea, and put in a wedge of lemon. I looked back to the couch to see Robin still asleep.

"Amelia? Where are you?", my father called from upstairs.

"Dad, I'm down here," I replied.

He came downstairs and told me that we needed to go NOW. We rushed to the room with the piano, and he quickly played the tune, and we rushed down into the Batcave.

"Hurry up and get your suit on, we have no time," he ordered.

Him and I rushed to get our suits on, and jumped into the Batmobile and left the Batcave.

"Bane's blowing up random buildings in Gotham. We need to stop him before he wipes out the entire city," he explained.

"I thought he was dead!", I replied, completely shocked.

"No. Gordon reported that to me this morning."

We got to where Bane is, and quickly jumped into action. We managed to backfire everything towards Bane, and we kept missing him because he was running so fast.


Is that dynamite coming towards us?

"Dad, watch out!", I screamed, hoping he'd hear me.

He looked at me, then to the dynamite coming towards us. Exactly three seconds before it hit him, he dodged it with his arm blades and the dynamite dropped to the street below us.

"He's dead."

"Good. I feel like we defeated half the world."

"Not exactly, Amelia. Harvey's still out there somewhere."


"Amelia. Harvey is alive."

"Oh. I thought he died."

"No. He survived. And Gordon has lost track of him."

"I want to kill him by myself."

"Amelia, no. You can't defeat him on your own."

"He deserves to die."


"And I will kill him."

"Let's go home. You need some sleep."

We headed home, and I couldn't sleep for the life of me because I was so enraged that I could kill Harvey with my bare hands.

I woke up a couple hours later, feeling less enraged about Harvey.

I went downstairs to see Alfred and my dad talking, but it didn't seem like an important conversation, so I walked into the room they were in.

"Good morning, Amelia," Alfred greeted.

"Good morning."

"When does Harvey die, today, Dad?"

"Amelia. Stop. I want him to die, too. But you can't just go out and kill people without a reason," my dad replied with a bit of stress in his voice.

"Okay. But friendly reminder, we're talking about the man who pretty much caused my mother's death. If none of that had happened before the Joker jumped in, we wouldn't be here. And we're also talking about the same man who nearly released your identity as the Batman!"

"He was doing me a favor."

"What kind of favor?"

"He was covering for me."

"Clearly wasn't a very well planned out favor."

"Amelia, listen to me. He was trying to protect me by saying he was the Batman. He had to save Gotham from the Joker. He is Gotham's true hero."

"Well he clearly didn't do a very good job."

"Yea. I know that now."

"So why are you sticking up for him when you know he didn't do a very good job of protecting Gotham?"

"Because I didn't know. How exactly was I supposed to know that things would just turn right around in less than a day?"

"Fine. But when I get my chance, Harvey Dent will be dead."

"Okay. Stay true to your word."

"I will."

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