I looked at the man behind the voice as his fingers trailed along the face of the small boy I had grown attached to.

"He was a fun toy." Doctor Lite looked Patrick over, "Yellow eyes really suit him, don't they?"

My hands were fists by my side. I was looking at Patrick, hardly able to stand what I saw. He was staring ahead blankly, his yellow eyes so empty...

"Patrick..." My voice cracked as I called out his name. It had no effect on the emptiness of his eyes.

"He can't hear you in this state." Doctor Lite laughed, "Only me. Which is why I may keep him in this state indefinitely."

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" I yelled, "He's still a person!" I felt tears in my eyes.

"I CAN DO WHAT I WANT!" The doctor yelled back, "You're in my world now." He turned to Gerard, "Send him to sleep for awhile... I think Mrs. Walker has some more tests she'd like to perform."

Leslie's eyes flashed white again and she smirked. She held out her hand and Tyler passed his sharp weapon to her.

At the same time, Gerard's eyes flashed black and he walked towards me.

"Gerard...Gerard please..." I pulled against my restraints as he stepped closer, "They can't make you forget Frank, you can't ever truly forget someone like that from your past."

Gerard brought his hand up in front of my face.


His index and middle finger connected to my forehead and everything went immediately black.

~Brendon's POV~

I leaned against the locked door and listened for anything. No one had come to check on us today. It didn't stop the worry hanging in the air.

"Where are they?.." I muttered. I leaned my forehead against the door and spoke louder, "Where's the food!?"

"They still haven't come?.." Spencer yawned. He had fallen asleep earlier in the day and was just waking up from my loudness.

"Nope." I sighed.

I walked over to my bed and plopped down. I felt exhausted myself. Not just from the lack of food or sleep, but also from worry for the others. We were locked away from contact with them as well... It was nerve racking.

"Who's Ryan?" Spencer asked suddenly, stretching.

"Who?" I asked confused.

"You just said you missed him." Spencer looked at me funny.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned. That name meant nothing to me. I don't even remember ever mentioning that name.

"You've mentioned him in your sleep before." Spencer said, "Always that same name."

"Dude, you must be loosing your mind." I rolled my eyes.

"You're asleep, so how the fuck would you know?" Spencer asked with a slight smirk.

I opened my mouth and shut it again. Why would I repeat that name? I didn't know anyone by that name, did I?.. I just felt myself getting sleepier as I thought about it.

"We've got to get out of here..." The yawn that popped up in the middle of my sentence took away my dramatic effect. My eyes closed where I sat, refusing to open again.

"We need to talk the next chance we all get out of here..." I heard Spencer agree.

I nodded with a quiet "mmhmm..."

My eyes were too heavy to try and pry open. I felt the kind of exhaustion I would get after they tested on me. Uncontrollable and unfightable.

"Just go to sleep dude." Spencer told me, "I doubt they'll come for us today."

I let myself fall over onto my pillow. I hated this feeling, but I wasn't strong enough to fight it as I drifted into an empty dream.

~Patrick's POV~

I was trapped in my own mind. I couldn't see, hear, or feel anything. There was only blackness around me when I could fight my way that far up to the surface.

I had no idea what was happening to me. I felt like I was fading away. My thoughts and memories were fuzzy and unclear. Names would come up as a blank next to faces. As hard as I tried, I was slowly losing myself.

Even the boy I knew I couldn't get out of my head at one point came up as simply a face. His name eluded me, and it made me scream from inside my numbing prison.

I know him.

I care about him.

Just let me remember.

It got worse every time I was completely gone from consciousness in my head. Details of him erased more and more each time.

I had no idea how much longer I had before he faded to nothingness just like I was...

~Pete's POV~

"-erard!" I cried out as I took a deep intake of breath. I coughed and began gasping in air.

"Pete." I looked up and saw a hesitate Gerard, drawing his fingers back.

"Gerard?" I questioned, still gasping in air. I looked around and saw doctor Walker lying unconscious on the ground. I looked back at him and looked at his hazel eyes. They looked normal.

"It's not." Gerard said, "It's a friend still, just not him. Please, just hear me out."

Gerard's pleading eyes made me nod. "Who are you? Why are you using Gerard?"

"I'm a friend." Gerard (or rather whoever was speaking through him) repeated, "I'm using him because I'm not on the inside to speak to you myself. I'm using my abilities to speak through and control him. It can't last long though, our link is weak. We're going to get you all out."

"How do you even know we're here?" I further questioned.

"We've been watching." Gerard said simply, "We have our methods but you can understand why telling you would be dangerous."

I nodded, remembering the doctor's words. "What about him? Gerard I mean."

"His memory is already being blocked. This communication we have now will not change anything. Just be ready to run."

"Easier said than done." I tugged against my restraints for what felt like the millionth time, "I'm locked in and people I care about are being turned into useless zombies."

"Trust me, Pete. We will rescue the few still in their rooms, then come for you and the others."

I looked at Gerard, trying to determine who this 'friend' was. All my friends were either dead or on that path.

"I have to send you back to sleep and wake her up before I leave." Gerard nodded back to doctor Walker, "Just have faith in me, please. I know trust is a lot to ask for, but if you knew who I was I know you'd have faith."

"Then just tell me." I whispered, "Reassure me that I make the correct decision to trust you."

Gerard had sadness on his face. "I can't...I'm sorry Pete." He said, "You just have to trust me. That's all I beg for."

I didn't know what to do. What could I do? What other choice did I have? This was a chance. Even a small opportunity of escape was still an opportunity of escape.

"Fine. I trust you." I finally said. Gerard nodded and brought his fingers up to my forehead.

"You won't regret it, Pete." He said in a voice that wasn't Gerard's. It was someone I used to know. Before I could comprehend who, however, his fingers connected and I was thrown once again into darkness.

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