"Have you taken anything, Angelina?" she asked me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. She pressed her lips together and came closer to me, grabbing my arm.

"What did Matt give you? Tell me!" she demanded. She looked angry and upset and that made me laugh again. Why couldn't she be happy like me? I think Matt should give her one of his pills. I pouted and ruffled her hair, making her sigh in annoyance.


"What?" I asked innocently.

"Did Matt give you anything?" she asked again calmly.

"Well-" I started to say but someone interrupted me.

"Girls. What are you doing here?" Matt asked as he walked towards us with one of his band members behind him. I smiled at them, but Hayley didn't. She was pissed. What was her problem?

"You don't seem happy to see me Hayley." Matt stated, coming behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, bringing his body closer to mine, and rested his head on my shoulder. His curls tickled my neck and I giggled.

"I'm not, actually. Matt what did you give her?" she asked him. Why the hell does she care?

"Nothing." Matt responded, kissing my jaw. That caused Hayley to slam her palm on the table with force.

"Bullshit! I can see that you gave her something, she is all hearts and unicorns. Jesus Christ Matt, you are so stupid. You gave her from your drugs just like that?" she yelled at him angrily.

"I didn't force her to take it. She took it willingly. Why do you ever care? What are you? Her mother?" he said raising his voice and unwrapping his arms from my small waist. He stepped in front of me and talked with Hayley, but I wasn't hearing what they were saying. I was starting to feel dizzy again as I listened to them yelling. 


"She is not used to it. What if something goes wrong?"

Matt was ready to speak again, but I stopped him.

"Can we leave? I don't want you two to fight." I whispered in his ear. He simply nodded.

I stood up and walked away with him following behind me. The dizziness didn't go away though. All the energy that I had before was drained from my body and I was starting to feel exhausted. I supported myself on the wall behind me, shutting my eyes as I began breathing heavily. The music had faded out and I could feel my head spinning.

"Angelina, are you okay?" I heard Matt's voice say, but he sounded like he was far from me. I groaned gripping my stomach. I was going to be sick.


"Matt, I'm not feeling good. Where is the bathroom?" I asked him, opening my eyes. He was looking at me with a concerned expression on his face. Placing one arm around me, he guided me down a dark corridor and helped me inside the bathroom. I looked around at the dirty place and cringed.

"Do you need anything?" he asked me, taking my face between his hands and making me face him. As I was about to reply a disgusting taste reached my tongue and I gagged, slapping away his hands. I quickly sat on my knees on the floor, near the toilet and threw up. Tears appeared on the corners of my eyes and I sobbed, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

Why was I crying?

I felt someone else's presence behind me and soon Matt was helping me up to my feet. He grabbed my hair and braided it messily behind my back and then pulled me with him to the faucet.

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