Society or Islam? | REMINDER

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May Allah subhanahu wata'ala guide us all. Ameen thuma Ameen

Look at yourself! Are you implementing the Sharia of Allah subhanahu wata'ala? Are you following Allah subhanahu wata'ala's commands? If you are a girl are you wearing the Hijab? If your'e a guy are you covering your awra and private parts? Are you wearing the loose pants which reaches further down then your ankles? Sister are you wearing make up? Brother are you shaving your beard? Sister and brother, do you still have the habit pf saying the F word everyday, brother and sister ask yourself If my soul were to be taken now 'WHAT WILL I TELL ALLAH SUBHANAHU WATA'ALA?' Tell me what WILL you say to Allah subhanahu wata'ala? What will you say when he asks you why did you disobey me and you went against my religion?

Is your reply gonna be society forced me? Peer pressure? Everyone else used to do it? WHAT WILL YOU SAY?? Just please tell me how will you answer Allah subhanahu wata'ala in the Day of Judgement? How will you answer the questions of the Grave? TELL ME! PLEASE TELL ME!

Why are we so blinded about this? Why are we so westernised? Please tell me why we don't even obey our CREATOR yet we follow the SOCIETY? How dare we even dare to go against Allah subhanahu wata'ala's commands?

How do we, when we know that Allah subhanahu wata'ala can end us anytime, any day anywhere and Allah subhanahu wata'ala can end this world anytime, any day...HOW ARE WE STILL DISBELIEVING WHEN WE KNOW ALLAH SUBHANAHU WATA'ALA IS WATCHING US?!

Brother/Sister it is not too late! I ask you for the sake of Allah subhanahu wata'ala to try this at lease ONCE! Set your alarm 10 minutes before fajr and make wudu and pray 2 rak'ah and ask Allah subhanahu wata'ala for FORGIVENESS!

If you sincerely repented your bad deeds will become GOOD DEEDS!! So why can't we even say sorry to Allah subhanahu wata'ala but if we want something from someone we get down on our knees and plead! How can we not go down on our knees and beg Forgiveness from Allah subhanahu wata'ala? WHY CAN'T WE? What is our excuse? Allah subhanahu wata'ala is the most merciful the Most Kind

DO YOU HAVE FEET? You have no excuse!
DO YOU HAVE ARMS? You have no excuse!
DO YOU HAVE EYES? You have no excuse!
DO YOU HAVE A MOUTH? You have no excuse!

Tell me how, when you have all your limbs, bones in your body! How you can NOT ask Allah subhanahu wata'ala for forgiveness!

Sister/Brother Appreciate this, Say Allhamdullilah, get up and pray and I guarantee you, your life will be better!

Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabrakatuh

Please forgive me if I sound harsh! I am seriously so sad for the Muslims nowadays! They are so lost! I ask Allah subhanahu wata'ala to make us of those who are repenters and make us of those who follow his Deen correctly! May Allah subhanahu wata'ala make us of those who are granted Jannatul Firdaus. Allahuma Ameen. :)

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