Rewards for reading the WHOLE Qur'an

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Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabrakatuh,
I hope you are all in good health....ameen

I kinda did an approximation of how much rewards I can get by reading the whole Qur'an. So what I did is I counted how many letters in one line, in the Qur'an, so about odd 39 (more or less depending on the line) and then I did 39 x 10 (=390) because one letter is TEN rewards. After that I did 390 x 15 because there are 15 lines in one page. And that equalled 5850 (less or more) rewards for only ONE page. Then to find out for the whole Qur'an I did 5850 x 604, because there are 604 pages in the Qur'an and that equalled to odd 3, 533, 400 (more or less) REWARDS.....SO IF YOU READ THE WHOLE QUR'AN YOU GET APPROXIMATELY 3.5 MILLION + Rewards. :O

...and mind you I calculated this in Ramadan and you know how in Ramadan one letter in the Qur'an is equalled to 70 not ten, I did exact calculations like I did in the above and the answer was 39 x 70 = 2730 x 15 = 40950 x 604 = 24, 733, 800!!!!! OVER 24 MILLION REWARDS FOR READING THE WHOLE QUR'AN IN RAMADAN!!! ALLAHUUUUU AKBARRRRR!! :O

O W N  C A L C U L A T I O N S  ! !

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