Eli Goldsworthy Moving On ~1~

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I do not own Degrassi in anyway. I own the storyline as well as the characters made up, such as Serena, Kendall, and Mr. Arnold, as well as any other characters brought up not in the Degrassi show.


~ NightOfKarma


Eli Goldsworthy sat on the steps of his school, Degrassi. He looked through the crowd for Claire Edwards, his ex-girlfriend. She may have broken up with him, but she didn’t mean it. She couldn’t, they loved each other too much. He was just waiting for her to realize it.

It was a new year, things would change.

“Hey, man,” Eli heard a voice say behind him. He turned to see Adam smiling, sadly. Adam’s red hair was combed neatly as always, his bluish-green eyes focused on Eli, his fragile stature looking more built since he had last seen him.

“Hey, Adam,” Eli said, forcing a smile.

Adam shook his head. “Are you looking for Claire?” Adam looked pointedly at Eli’s left leg, where he had previously had a cast from when he had crashed his mortician van for her.

Eli didn’t answer, distracted and annoyed. Where was Claire?

“Woah,” Adam said, looking at a point over Eli’s shoulder. “New girl, pretty new girl.” Eli followed Adam’s gaze to a girl and a boy standing by the front doors talking to Mr. Simpson, the principal, and a man who must have been their father.

The boy must have been seventeen or eighteen, a senior. He had short, curly dark hair, his skin was the color of chocolate, his eyes darker than his hair, but that’s not what Eli was staring at. Adam was right, the girl was pretty, no, she was beautiful.

Her brown skin glowing, her eyes not sure whether they were brown or green were almost completely obscured beneath a blue bang connected to black hair that was cut short, her beautiful face holding a annoyed expression. Her full lips contained snake bites and when she talked he could see the hint of a tongue ring.

She wore the school uniform, a blue collared shirt, khaki pants, but she wore black Chuck Taylors. The chocker around her neck had a black heart hanging from it. She looked to be arguing with the brother. She hit him in the stomach, the father turned around, it seemed, to scold the girl. The girl simply looked down hiding her face in her bang to hide her annoyance.

“It doesn’t matter,” Eli said, looking for and spotting Claire in the crowd. Eli walked over to Claire who was walking with Ali Bhandari, her best friend.

“Claire!” Eli said happily. “I missed you.”

Claire’s pretty blue eyes widened when she saw Eli. She took a step back, almost completely obscured behind Ali. She hid her eyes behind her light brown curls.

“Claire?” Eli said, in a shaking tone.

“Eli, just give her space,” Ali said, trying to sound nice, but not exactly achieving. Ali grabbed Claire and walked away quickly.

“Claire?” Eli said in hollow tone. Eli stood there, looking after the girl he loved. Eli felt frozen in that heart breaking instant. Was it really over? Claire was leaving him. The realization was just starting to hit. The bell rang and Eli moved as fast as he could to the school.

While quickly rounding one of the corners, he smacked into someone. Eli’s bag fell from his shoulder, his books scattering. “Great,” Eli said, venomously.

“That’s a lot of attitude for a boy that smacked into me,” a voice said. Eli looked at the girl he had seen earlier. She pushed her blue bangs from her multicolored eyes as she bent down to pick up Eli’s books; he noticed the piercing she had in her eyebrow. She stood and handed him the books. He took it from her without a word. “What do you say?”

Eli didn’t say anything as he collected his books, stuffing them into his bag. The girl grabbed his bag and stared at him. “What do you say?”

“I’m not in the mood,” Eli said, practically seething.

Blue Bangs didn’t back down. “Still waiting.”

Eli and Blue Bangs stared at each other until Eli said, “Thank you.” He wouldn’t admit it, but he liked the way she challenged him, the way she didn’t back down.

Blue Bangs smiled, revealing a chipped tooth. “You’re welcome. Bye!” Blue Bangs walked off, without a backwards glance.

Eli couldn’t help but wonder what her name was, or when he’d see her again.

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