Chapter 15

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The following morning I had woken up unusually early from what I supposed was the jet lag finally hitting me. Rolling over carefully in the plush bed, I smiled at the sight of Nathan sleeping peacefully next to me. Taking a moment, I let my gaze drag over all of his features, from his unruly bedhead curls, to the way his eyelashes sat on top of his cheekbones, down to his button nose, and the way his mouth was just barely open with his breathing. I sighed dreamily, feeling like a teen in love as I just stared at him for a while longer before gently moving his grip off my waist and slipping out of bed.

In all honesty, I didn't really have to be quiet or careful seeing as my lovely fiance slept like a bear in hibernation, but I didn't want to risk anything.

Looking out the glass to the patio, I smiled softly as the soft glow of the sun rise was beginning to peek over the horizon. I creeped over to my suitcase and pulled out my blue bikini and black sarong before taking them into the bathroom to change. Once I had them on and had brushed through my hair to put it up in a high ponytail, I came back out and put Nath's shirt that I had been wearing along with my panties back into my bag. Picking a delicate bracelet from one of the front pockets of my suitcase, I clasped it and pulled out a pair of flip flops to wear down to the beach.

Pressing a kiss to Nathan's cheek before I left, I slipped on my shoes in the hall and walked down to the elevator before going down to the main floor. Walking out across the pool deck which was currently empty besides one or two people who were swimming laps, I emerged at the beach and looked out over the horizon. Taking off my flip flops and picking them up, I walked down to around the middle of the sand, just a bit out of reach of the lapping waves, and sat myself down in the cool sand.

"This is nice..." I spoke quietly to myself.

No people, no phones, or computers, or iPads, or cameras. Nothing urgent, nothing that "needs to be finished now", nothing to distract from this moment. It felt nice. Just the peaceful water, the sunrise, the sand, and me.

Inhaling a deep breath, I wrapped my arms around my legs and rested my chin on my knees as I continued to watch the sun slowly rise in the sky. As I was focused on the horizon in front of me, I almost didn't hear very light footsteps on the sand next to me. Taking a glance up behind me, thinking that it was Nathan who had woken up and not seeing anyone there made me more than confused. That is till I looked down slightly to the sand to see a timid looking dog standing there staring at me.

I simply stared back in shock for a second before taking in it's appearance. It looked mostly white, or what would be white if it wasn't for the dirt covering it, with brown speckles all over it, and had big triangle ears as it looked at me with it's large brown eyes. It wasn't terribly big or old, but it seemed like it was fully grown. Tilting my head slightly, I noticed it didn't have a collar. I bit my lip as I also took notice of the way it looked far too thin for a dog of it's size, it was obviously a stray.

Thinking for a moment, I carefully held out my hand to it to gauge it's reaction. I watched with a slight tinge of fear as the dog simply looked at it before taking a few cautious steps forward and sniffing it. Biting my lip, I watched and had to try not to laugh at the cold touch of it's nose on my skin. However, a bright smile took over my face as the animal nuzzled it's head under my hand to try and get me to pet it.

I began stroking it's head lightly as it moved closer to sit right next to me in the sand. Running my hand gently over it's rib cage, I frowned to myself and thought for a minute. Looking back to the hotel, I smiled as I saw a waiter walking around the pool with a cart of fruit. Standing up, I looked at the dog and bit my lip.

"Stay." I spoke warily while holding up my hand as I took a few tentative steps back hoping that it stayed where it was.

I smiled as it did and made my way quickly up the beach, checking over my shoulder every few feet to make sure that it was still there. Finally getting up to the pool deck, I jogged over to the waiter and faced the beach so he wouldn't see the dog.

"Two bananas... and an orange please." I smiled as he nodded and handed them to me.

Thanking him, I stood where I was and waited a second before running around the pool and back onto the beach. I smiled again as I saw the dog still sitting there. Walking back down the sand so I didn't accidentally scare it, I sat down once more with the fruit in my lap.

"Here you go." I said quietly as I peeled a banana and broke off a little piece before feeding it to.... her, definitely a her.

Breaking it off piece by piece, I watched as she ate it happily and her tail would wag every once in a while. When the first banana was finished, I set down the peel and started on the orange making sure that all the skin was off before breaking it into pieces and giving them to her one by one. Eventually she finished both the orange and the second banana and by that point the sunrise was long gone. Scratching her head gently, I couldn't help but smile as her tail started wagging gently.

"Excuse me miss, but there are no pets allowed on the beach." I turned and saw an employee as I jumped up suddenly.

"Of course, I'm sorry!" I spoke quickly and prayed to god that the dog would follow me as I started walking towards the edge of the property. "Come on girl!" I encouraged and let out a sigh of relief as she jumped up and followed me quickly.

Getting her across the property line, which was clearly marked, I looked up towards where the road was just past the side of the building. Taking a few more steps, I noticed that there weren't any windows on the first story of the hotel and grinned.

"Come on." I coaxed as I walked quietly up the sand and across the grass before stopping behind a few trees a bit back from the road.

Turning to look at the dog, I pursed my lips.

"Okay, sit?" I tried to command although it came out more as a question while I made a small hand gesture.

Thankfully she responded and sat there while staring at me waiting for me to say something else.

"Stay." I continued as I took a few steps back before quickly going back down to the beach to grab my flip flops before running back into the hotel to get up to our room. I waited impatiently in the elevator before running nimbly on my toes down the hall. Pulling my key card from where I hid it in my bikini top, I pushed open the heavy door and tiptoed in quickly to see Nathan still asleep.

"Lazy git..." I laughed softly to myself as I bent down to my suitcase.

"I heard that..."

His words nearly made me jump out of my skin.

"My god, how about you let me know you're awake next time." I joked softly as I pulled a pair of denim shorts on after taking off my sarong.

Taking my plaid button down, I slipped it on and buttoned the top few buttons before tying the bottom half around my waist.

"Where are you going baby?" He asked sleepily as I came over and kissed him lightly before adjusting my ponytail.

"I thought I'd go into town and explore for a little while since I thought you would be sleeping for a while longer."

"That's fine. Although I have plans for us around one so be back before then, yeah?" He smiled as he looked up at me with his bed head and sleepy grin.

"Of course." I replied happily while slipping my phone, wallet and key card into my small crossbody.

Picking up my sunglasses, I went over and gave him one last kiss before walking to the door.

"I'll see you later babe."

"Okay!" I said slightly rushed as I made my way out the door.

Getting back downstairs, I went to the concierge and waited for a moment till someone came over before asking, "Where's the nearest store that sells things for pets?"

A/N - So here's the next chapter! I hope you like it and I apologise in advanced if the following chapter takes a bit to upload because I'm kind of in the process of moving withing the next month, so I'm hoping that doesn't get in the way but if it does I'm sorry!  Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter, as always I'd love to hear what you think. By the way, if you happen to be a fan of 5 Seconds of Summer, I have a Luke fanfic that I've recently started if you'd like to give it a read. xx -$^

Two Hearts (Sequel to Please Come Back Home) (Nathan Sykes Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now