Chapter 12

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After an hour or so of waiting and Nathan making me wear soundproof headphones until we took off, we were finally on our plane. I still had no clue as to where we were going, but once I was in my seat with Nath next to me it didn't really matter. All that did matter was the fact that I was going on a vacation, somewhere, with my wonderful fiance.

Getting comfortable in my seat and looking out the window to see the scenery passing under us made me smile. However, that didn't last long after the plane evened out in the sky.

"Baby..." Nathan whispered in my ear as he leaned closer to me and started kissing my neck. "Why don't we join the mile high club... again." He continued with a cheeky smirk.

Turning my head to him, I gave him my best 'Are you absolutely kidding me?' look before verbally answering as he still had the look of a hopeful teenage boy.

"Nathan James Sykes, I am not doing that again. We nearly got caught the last time, what makes you think that I would do it this time?"

"Because you loved it, and you loved the rush of almost getting caught." He smirked as he tried his best to channel his bedroom eyes, although we both knew he couldn't do them properly unless I started something or he was pulling me to wherever he wanted me.

"Ah, yes. That was also the feeling I got when you nearly ripped my silk blouse I was wearing and neither of us had a jacket." I replied jokingly with a sarcastic tone.

When he didn't reply, I continued.

"Alright baby, you have a nice flight."

Kissing his cheek and giving him a cheeky wink, I turned back to the window before leaning my head back and closing my eyes hoping it would somehow get us to our destination quicker.

Eleven hours later, I had endured one viewing of 'Kingsman: The Secret Service' with Nath, an hour of playing solitaire, a few hours of listening to music, another couple of hours of falling in and out of sleep, as well as a good dozen requests from my lovely fiance to meet him in the bathroom. Finally though, the small dinging sound of the seat belt light lighting up was followed by the pilot coming on over the PA system.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to begin our descent into Bridgetown. It's currently two in the afternoon, sunny, and seventy five degrees fahrenheit, or twenty three degrees celsius. We should touch down on the runway in about five minutes before we pull up to the terminal shortly after that. Thank you for flying with Virgin Atlantic and enjoy your stay in Barbados."

As I listened to the pilot speaking, I tried to rack my brain to remember where Bridgetown was. However I stopped as soon as I heard the word Barbados. I turned to stare at Nathan with wide eyes and my mouth open in shock.

"Barbados?" I repeated as Nathan just smirked at me and held my hand.

"Yeah, unless we got on the wrong plane."

"Oh my god!" I squealed quietly as I hugged him the best I could while staying in my seat. "I'm so excited..." I whispered happily to myself as I watched the plane begin to descend over the beautiful scenery of Barbados.

Another hour and a half of going through customs, getting our luggage from baggage claim, and taking the car to the hotel, we finally arrived at the gorgeous Sandy Lane resort. Stepping out of the car, I realised that the pictures that Nathan had shown me from previous trips of his really didn't do it justice. The colours of the landscape were so vivid and the smell of the ocean floating in on the warm breeze was intoxicating. I didn't even notice that our driver had unloaded our bags and given them to the bell hop who greeted us out front until Nath took my hand and weaved his fingers through mine. Turning my head to look at him as I turned my focus back to him, I couldn't help the large smile that placed itself on my face.

"Come on baby, let's check in and then we can go to the beach before dinner."

All I could do was nod in response as I was simply awestruck by the beauty of the resort. Nathan pulled me along with him to the front desk as my eyes darted from place to place, just taking in everything that surrounded us.

"Soph... Sophia?" Nath's voice laughed lightly as I quickly looked to him with a slight confusion as I was so intently focussed on everything else.

"Yeah?" I responded quickly, trying to act as though I knew what he was going to say.

He simply answered by holding up our room key in front of my face.

"You'll be in one of our Luxury Ocean suites. Your room will be on the top floor in our Seahorse Wing. Just take the elevator that's back to the left over here and your room will be down at the end of the hall on the right." The lady at the desk spoke with a smile while she gave us the instructions.

"Thank you." I replied as Nathan wove his fingers into mine.

"Of course. And I hope you enjoy your stay Mr. and Mrs.Sykes."

"Thank you." Nath answered as though he had heard people call us that numerous times before starting to walk to the elevator.

I bit my tongue as I heard her say that before smiling politely and turning to walk with Nathan. Following her directions and going to the elevators that were back to the left, as soon as the doors closed, I couldn't keep the massive smile from coming onto my face.

"What is it?" He asked me curiously with a small grin on his face.

"Nothing," I shrugged slightly in answer. "I've just never been called Mrs.Sykes."

Biting my lip in attempt to try and hide the silly grin I had on my face, he just smirked while pulling me into his side by my waist.

"Well I hope you enjoyed it, because it's going to be like that for a long time to come."

I was unable to do anything else but smile as he kissed my cheek just as the doors opened on the third floor where our room was. Following Nathan down the hall to the very end of the wing, I let him unlock to door before he let me in first.

"Oh.... my god...."

A/N - Okay so I am so, so, SO sorry to all of you that I haven't updated since April!! I've just gotten a bit wrapped up in a class that I took recently and school and all that. However I seem to be on a roll with writing (knock on wood) and I've already started the next chapter. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'd love to hear what you think! xx - $^

Two Hearts (Sequel to Please Come Back Home) (Nathan Sykes Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now