Chapter 16

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"Come on, Corey. Let's get that wound cleaned up."

Lydia walks past me and into the kitchen, grabbing a small towel and wetting it a bit with cold water. She orders Corey to sit down on the chair across me, then she slowly begins wiping the blood off of the back of his neck. It's only been a minute since Scott and the others left, so I'm still upset that I couldn't go as I wait for anything new to happen.

"It healed, didn't it?" Corey says knowingly to Lydia.

She purses her lips at his words as Theo answers, "Yeah. Completely."

"Okay, then. It's been fun. Especially the part where a werewolf forced his way into my brain with his claws."

He gets up from his seat and starts heading for the door, and knowing that he shouldn't leave because of Scott's orders, I stand up as well to try and stop him (even though I'm still miffed that Scott didn't allow me to go with him).

"Corey, wait," I try.

"I don't think leaving is such a good idea," Theo continues. "You know, Lydia's a Banshee."

Noticing Corey's confusion, I add, "It means she can tell when someone's close to death."

"Yes. So Lydia, what happens if he walks out that door?"

Lydia seems taken aback by the sudden attention on her. She mouths wordlessly for a second, thinking of a good answer. "It's... bad," she finally says. "Very bad."

Corey scoffs at us. "I'll take my chances."

"Then give us a better chance at finding our friends," Theo pleads, all three of us following the chimera to the door. "What else did you see? Come on, Corey, there had to be something else."

Thankfully, Corey tells us what he knows. "There was the hospital," he says slowly, "and they took me outta my room."

Lydia moves closer to him. "And then where?"

"The tunnels, like I already told you. That's it."

Theo doesn't seem to believe him, and neither do I. "Yeah, nothing after that?"


"Well, there has to be more," I mutter.

"Think, Corey," Theo demands loudly, taking us by surprise. "For one minute just, just think."

Corey sighs loudly but he obliges, halting in place and looking deep in thought. When his eyebrows shoot up as if he got a new idea, I stare at him expectantly. "Well?"

"There was a basement."

"Where?" Lydia presses on. "Like, in a building?"

"A house. It was old, covered in dust, and there was a broken stone wall with a large hole in it like a bomb went off."

"Guys," Theo starts, "the werewolf with the talons- the one who attacked Scott... didn't Parrish say that he smashed through the wall of a basement? Wasn't it something like that?"

"No," Lydia says. "It was exactly that."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

My phone ringing loudly causes me to jump in my seat. I hurriedly reach for it on the coffee table in front of me, checking the name flashing on the screen. My first hope is Liam, but it's unlikely that he'd have his phone even if he was saved. My next guess was Scott, thinking that he finally found him, and when I see Theo's name instead, I raise my eyebrows but answer the call nevertheless.

"Theo?" Could he possibly have found Liam? And Hayden? Or does he have bad news?

"Riley, Liam's with me and-"

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