Chapter 1

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I sigh in happiness upon entering my home in Beacon Hills. It's been quite some time since I left with my family for our summer trip and I haven't even lived here for long, but it feels good to be back. My flight wasn't long since Rosewood isn't that far, so I'm not as tired as I thought I would be. It's ten in the evening, though, so once I make it to my bedroom, I freshen up and go straight to sleep.

The next day goes by normally. My mom and dad began unpacking slowly last night but they still have work, so I'm alone at the house today. It's eleven in the morning and I woke up two hours ago to unpack as well, but I'm currently on a short break as I eat a sandwich in my kitchen.

When the doorbell rings, I place my food back on the plate and jog to answer the door. Before I can even fully swing it open, two people push against it and fling their arms around me.

"What the-"


"Hey, girl! We missed you!"

It's already evident to me based on their voices who these are. I playfully push these two boys away and beam broadly at them. In front of me, Mason stands there with a playful smile and folded arms. Liam is next to him with a even brighter grin, bouncing on his heels.

"I missed you guys, too," I tell them with a small laugh. I then look down at my simple denim shorts and a random white shirt I threw on. "But did you have to come now? I look terrible."

"You look amazing, as always," Liam says cheekily, winking at me.

Before I can even react, Mason groans with a roll of his eyes. "Really? You're gonna flirt in front of me?"

"Sorry, Mason. Blame him." I point at Liam.

"Yeah, yeah. Can I use your bathroom? I need to use it bad. That's another reason why we came here quickly."

I roll my eyes at Mason then point to the hall. "Yep, go ahead."

"You guys can keep on flirting for now, I'll be out in a while!" Mason calls out before shutting the bathroom door behind him.

I scoff at Mason's words before turning back to Liam. "So, are you free today?" he asks me.

I frown slightly. "Uh, I guess so. Still unpacking, but I've got time. Why?"

"I told you I'd take you on a date once you got back, right?"

This time, I smile at him. "Of course. So when, exactly?"

"Tonight, if you can?"

I nod excitedly. "Oh, sure."

"Mind if I pick you up at around five? It's better if we go before it's too late."

"So you really did plan this properly," I say with an amused smirk. Liam shrugs as if it's not a big deal. "I'm impressed, Liam Dunbar."

"You better be, Riley Bales. I don't want my hard work to go into waste."

"I'm sure whatever you planned will be great," I reassure him. He smiles appreciatively before leaning in to kiss me, looking almost hesitant. I grin and lean in as well until our lips meet, but we have literally just two seconds because some footsteps and new voices interrupt us.

"Whoa, Riley? A-And Liam?"

"Well, this is something."

Liam and I stare at the entrance to my house. It turns out that the door was left open the whole time, and Scott and Stiles now stand there.

"Er, hi," I say awkwardly. "Nice to see you again, guys."

"Seems like she appreciated seeing Liam more, though," Stiles jokes.

Sinking In ✼ Liam Dunbar || Teen Wolf [2] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now