Chapter 9

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Only about twenty minutes into being in this club, I lose sight of Liam and Mason. I try to act naturally as I weave through the groups of people, but I know I seem out of place as I walk mindlessly around here. A hand suddenly takes hold of my wrist, and my first thought is Liam, but when I stumble out of the crowd and am brought to the side, I see that it's Brett.

"Uh, hello," I say, slowly taking my wrist away and staring him warily.

"Relax, I won't do anything," he tells me. "I just figured you should use some company."

I raise my eyebrows, not exactly believing him. "Okay."

Brett chuckles at my plain answer. "How about this: let's dance."


"Come on, I heard you're a cheerleader. You must know how to dance."

"It's not that, but- wait, how would you know?"

"I'm a werewolf, I hear things," says Brett, smirking. Then, he begins dancing in place while I stand there stiffly. "Come on, have some fun."

I bite my lip, not knowing what to do. Sure, I wanted to have a little fun when we came to Sinema, but I can't find Liam or Mason anywhere. Liam has also been quiet the entire time we have entered up to the point we got separated. It was almost as if he was distracted the whole time, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to dance.

Finally, I begin following the music and when Brett notices this, he nods in approval.

"See?" he says, still moving around. "Nothing wrong."

We dance for a good few minutes, and though it's a a bit awkward to be here with Brett, it's actually a little fun. I'd much rather dance with my friends, but at least I'm enjoying even slightly right now.

"Riley, what are you doing?"

I stop dancing as I turn at the sound of the familiar voice. Liam now stands to my right, looking quite irritated as he glances from me to Brett.

"She seemed lonely, so I invited her to dance," Brett explains instead, shrugging as if it's no big deal.

"I wasn't really lonely-"

Liam cuts me off and crosses his arms. "Yeah, well, she came with me."

Noticing his irritation, I just step away from Brett at once, saying, "Yeah, I did, and we should be going now. Thanks for the dance, Brett. Let's go."

I quickly pull Liam along with me away from his frenemy and he doesn't say a word until we stop nearby the bar.

"What were you doing with him?" is the first thing he asks me.

"Like he said, I was alone so he invited me to dance. I couldn't find you or Mason, so I agreed," I say, but Liam is still scowling at the place where Brett can still be seen from here. "Come on, nothing happened."

"Yeah, but it's Brett. And you're supposed to be with me."

"Yeah, and I just danced with the guy. But you're Liam, and I am with you," I say, grinning when his scowl turns into a pout, even when he still doesn't face me.

"Fine," he huffs.


"I will let this go. For now."

I can't help but laugh at his words. "Yes, please let it go, because it was just a dance."

"Fine." Mildly startling me, Liam turns his head to the side as if he's seen something. Then, he begins walking forward with a frown on his face, but I don't think it's because of Brett anymore. I look at him in confusion before walking quickly to catch up with him.

Sinking In ✼ Liam Dunbar || Teen Wolf [2] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now