Chapter 11

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"Forty-three dollars."

"I said I don't want your money."

I watch quietly by the bar as Liam tries to convince Hayden into letting her accept the money he owes her, but she stubbornly declines. It's already Monday night, and Liam even tried giving the money to her in school this morning like I suggested last Saturday to him. Hayden was much more miffed this morning, almost causing a scene in the hallway, and luckily, she seems to be in a slightly better mood now that we're here at Sinema.

"But you said I owe you two hundred," Liam now says.

"Liam, just forget it okay? Leave and-"

All of a sudden, the power gets cut off. The lights dim and the music slows to a stop, causing everyone to start cheering- surprisingly. They're probably just enjoying the fact that it's much darker now and can do whatever they want.

"Perfect," Hayden says bitterly. Without another word, she pushes past Liam and walks away. My guess is that since she's working here, she's on her way to fix the electrical problem.

I see Liam glance at me and motion for me to come. He leaves so quickly in an attempt to catch up with Hayden that it's sort of hard to follow. There's also a lot of people here, of course, so I lose sight of Liam once in a while.

Finally, from a distance, I see Liam follow Hayden into a back room. It takes me a little while to reach that area, and I don't go in right away and instead wait by the side. I can't help but listen in on the conversation, and I don't know if this is considered eavesdropping since I was told to come in the first place.

"I'm just trying to make up for the sixth grade," I hear Liam say.

Hayden lets out a sigh. "Nothing will make up for the sixth grade."

Silence. I frown in curiosity and peek inside. All I see first is Hayden struggling to get some lever up, most probably for the generator, and then Liam gently places a hand on top of hers and pulls it back up with ease. Although he's trying to help, all I can feel right now is uneasiness at how intimate that moment seemed. No words were needed to be said among them.

"If you want to keep hating me, go for it," Liam breaks the silence, him and Hayden dangerously close. "You said I owe you two hundred. Here's forty-three more."

I see Hayden reluctantly accept the few bills at last. Liam walks away from her without saying anything else, and I move back a bit and causally lean on the wall, hoping none of them notice that I was listening in on them. I don't know why I don't want to know. It's not like anything personal really happened. But... despite the lack in speaking among them, it seems like it was personal.


My head snaps to the right where Liam is standing there, looking at me expectantly.

"Sorry to drag you all the way here again," he tells me apologetically. He kisses me lightly on my temple, and though my mind is still reeling from his conversation, supposedly meaningless, with Hayden, I smile at his gesture. "Let's leave."

"Alright, then."

"Do you think we should still stop by Scott's?"

As we walk side by side to the exit, I try to think of the best answer. "I don't know. It'd be good to see what they're currently up to with that book, but Scott did say he'd handle it."

Liam sighs but nods in agreement. "Okay. We'll just see tomorrow what they've found out about those Dread Doctors."

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