Chapter 14

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I didn't want to be part of this plan. I usually do want to help, but in all honestly, not now. Not when Scott seemed so mysterious right before taking me here to Beacon Hills High School so late at night (it turns out that I really will miss my family movie night and dinner) or when we both realized I did not have any weapon to use for my defense if anything went wrong. I especially did not want to be here when Liam and I are still not on good terms, and anxiety fills me up more and more even though it's only been a few hours since that argument.

I sigh as I stare at the radio-like machine Lydia brought, but from the corner of my eye, all I can actually focus on is Liam and Hayden working on blocking one of the doors for defense. Just the fact that they're doing that simple task together makes me uneasy.

When Lydia walks past me, I decide to talk to her to get my mind off of things for even just a second.

"So, those are to stop the frequencies the Dread Doctors have all the time?" The strawberry-blonde faces me when I speak. "How exactly could they possibly stop the doctors?"

"Telluric currents. Parrish and I worked on them at the station."

"Don't they have those at Eichen House, too?"

"Yes. The Dread Doctors didn't like them in a way, so maybe we can use currents to stop them."

I nod interestedly. "And you're positive it'll work?"

Lydia opens her mouth to respond, but then she purses her lips as if she's rethinking her answers. "Hopefully."

After sharing one last unsure glance with me, Lydia then walks away and makes her way to Scott, looking distracted. I am, too, considering the plan Scott filled me in about is risky and Lydia just further explained it. I've also got no one to talk to and all I can do is discretely watch Hayden and Liam now chat inside the bathroom.

Suddenly, Scott sits down next to me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Okay, Riles," is the first thing he says. "Tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong," I deny at once.

"Come on. It's kind of obvious that you and Liam aren't talking."

"So? The last time you saw us talk was in school, so it doesn't mean-"

"The last time I actually saw you guys was at Hayden's," Scott cuts me off. "Remember? And I could hear you talking there, too."

I bite my lip and direct my gaze to the floor, but not before catching a glimpse of Liam and Hayden still talking animatedly with each other.

"This might sound weird," I start quietly to Scott, my eyes still on the two, "but, what are those two saying?"

Scott stares at me sympathetically before doing what I requested. He's silent for a few moments when the corners of his mouth turn upwards slightly.


"Well, she doesn't know what to do now that she figured out she's a chimera and he's comforting her."

My heart drops but I merely nod. "Good to know."

"And," adds Scott, "he's asking for advice."

I straighten up. "On what?"

"On you." Upon hearing those words, I instinctively turn to glance at Liam again and already catch him looking back. I quickly avert my gaze back to my cousin, who pats me comfortingly then pushes himself off of the wall he was leaning on. While he begins walking away, Liam goes to me.

"Riley," he says. "Can we please talk?"

I don't want to leave things on bad terms, but I'm also stubborn. I have a mental debate on what I should do; if I say no, then I'm pushing away this misunderstanding but I can at least think over it a bit more. If I say yes, at least I'll get everything done now and I can sort things out with Liam, which is what I've been wanting to do since the afternoon.

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