Chapter 3

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I quicken my pace to catch up with the swift walking of Scott and Liam. We are all now in the Beacon Hills Hospital. I suppose Scott is going to look for and talk to Aunt Melissa for a while, and Liam and I are meant to find our own parents somewhere here. Unfortunately, they're probably still both busy.

"We're kinda gonna have to go with you, Scott," I tell my cousin, jogging to keep up. "I texted my dad, he's still got a patient."

"And my dad is doing surgery," adds Liam. "So, we need to hang out here... We could go with you guys."

Scott ignores us as he presses the button on the elevator. When he faces us, his next words for Liam has me taken aback. "Show me your hands."

I see that Liam glances at me from the corner of my eyes. I bite my lip as Liam takes his hands out of the pockets of his jacket and shows them to Scott. For the second time tonight, I get a clear view of Liam's bloody hands that are that way because of him trying to control himself.

"Okay, so I'm still having a little trouble," Liam tries to say causally.

"No." Scott shakes his head. "You're still learning." Liam doesn't respond. "What do you do to stay focused on not changing?"

Liam tilts his head at me. Scott and I raise my eyebrows at that gesture, but Liam notices us not understanding and answers fully Scott. "Well... I also listen to music..." he says, taking out his earphones to show him. "But, that's not working."

Scott glances at me briefly then directs his attention back to his Beta. "It's working enough. Listen, Derek told me you're the strongest he's ever seen at your age. I told him for me that means a lot. But things are going to be harder for you for a while." The elevator dings, signaling that it has reached this floor. It opens and Scott stops talking momentarily to step inside, but he faces us again. "But it also means something else, doesn't it?"

"I'm... really strong?" Liam guesses.

"Hell yeah." The doors of the elevator come to close, separating us from Scott.

"What now?" says Liam, changing the subject. "I say we sneak in the school and see what that senior thing is."

"Senior Scribe," I remind him, beginning to walk down a hallway since we don't have anywhere specific to go. "I'd love to go, but we'd have to drive to the school."

"I can run."

I send Liam a look. "Do you really think I can run all the way to Beacon Hills High School?"

"Well, you're athletic enough."

I hit his arm lightly. "So? I'd probably die before I'd get there!"

Liam laughs in amusement, dodging my numerous hits. "Okay, okay! I was just kidding."

Now, Liam and I have to wait in this boring hospital for our respective dads to take us home.

Over thirty minutes later, I'm feeling extremely restless. All Liam and I have been doing are either sitting down on the bench to talk or play games, and when we get tired of that, we roam around the different floors, careful not to disturb anyone.

"I'm so bored," I whine, leaning my head on Liam's shoulder as we walk down yet another hall in the hospital.

"Me too," he agrees with a sigh. "Scott and the others left for that Senior Scribe thing, right?"

"Yeah. Like, ten minutes ago. And here we are, stuck here until our parents could take us home."

Liam chuckles and nods. "True."

We find another set of seats and collapse on it. I stand up again, though, saying, "I'm gonna use the bathroom."

I leave him there and make my way to the nearest one. I do what I need to do, and a few minutes later, I walk back to the hallway where I left Liam in. This time, I see that he's not sitting on the chair I last saw him in, but he's standing a few feet away from that, leaning on a wall. I frown in confusion and head over to him. I see that he's looking at a clear glass window that shows Aunt Melissa, Sheriff Stinkinski, and an injured Deputy Jordan Parrish. I widen my eyes and want to step closer, but Liam has obviously noticed my presence and pulls me back. He puts a finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet as he listens in to the conversation happening in the room without a doubt.

Sinking In ✼ Liam Dunbar || Teen Wolf [2] (DISCONTINUED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ