Chapter 12

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"Alright ladies. As you've heard, they're currently cleaning up the gymnasium at the moment so we cannot practice there. If you ask me, nobody bothered to ask us if we had training because this goddamn school doesn't care one bit about this sport."

There are murmurs of agreement, but the team stays quiet as we wait for our coach to continue her talk.

"Anyways," she says, "we're moving to the field for the meantime. The lacrosse team and the soccer team are both going to be there, so we're a little tight on space. Now, get moving."

Coach is the first to walk out the girls' locker room. The team follows suit, chattering all the way until we reach the field outside of the school. Unfortunately, it's a very hot day, and like my coach warned us, the field is a little crowded. These aren't even the complete teams since some students still have classes, like Scott, which is why he isn't practicing with Liam and the other lacrosse team members right now.

Immediately, my eyes search for Liam. He's holding his lacrosse stick in a stance, the tiny white balls laid out in front of him as he prepares to score. Before actually getting ready to shoot, he meets my eyes and waves enthusiastically.

"I'd always knew you guys had a thing for each other," Lacey says from my right as I wave back.

I drop my hand and look at her. "Really?"

"Really. I'm good with this stuff, so it isn't surprising that you guys ended up together," she replies confidently.

I laugh at her answer, and she merely grins back funnily. She, I, and the rest of the cheerleading team place our bags on the bleachers where I notice Mason and Brett sitting there, the latter still wearing his uniform. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure why he is here, but since he's hanging out with Mason, then I guess it's fine.

The two of them wave at me as well. I don't have much time to speak to them anyways since I'm called to begin practice with everyone else.

"That dude next to Mason doesn't even go here, right?" Lacey asks me, sneaking a peek at Brett. Of course, Brett, who most probably hears our conversation, glances back at my blonde friend, making her squeal a little.

"Nope," I say with a chuckle. "He's Mason's friend."

"So that means he's your friend Lucky! He's hot."

"Oh, Lacey, when will you ever stop obsessing over boys?" I send her a disapproving look, but I know she can tell that I'm just joking.

Thirty minutes into our practice out here in the field, all we've done is jog, stretch, and basically warm up. Due to how high the temperature seems to be today, we're all exhausted and tired right away.

"Tumbling next, everyone," Coach shouts out. "Those who are just polishing, tumble on the ground. Those who need work, we've brought some mats here."

At once, the team separates into two as we choose where we want to work. I decide to head to the mats and work on a newly taught skill by my coach a few days ago, and of course, I can't get it overnight, so I'm determined to try it a lot today.

I choose to work on what is called a double twist. It's quiet self-explanatory; a "flip" where you have to twist twice in the air before landing. Unfortunately, every time I try it, I land incorrectly even with my coach's advice. I watch as Lacey attempts her own skill and it's quite inconsistent, but it's better than mine even after all these tries. I stop tumbling after doing it for so many times, feeling restless.

During this little break, I stand on the side with my hands on my hips, observing the other teams train. Before I know it, I'm just watching Liam.

He keeps looking back and forth at his goal and at Hayden, who so happens to be part of the soccer team. I don't know if they're sending each other mean looks or are just staring at each other, but either way, it makes me uncomfortable. Liam finally picks a ball up and shoots into the goal. I watch Hayden's reaction, and for some reason, she looks annoyed. She steps back behind her own row of soccer balls and kicks one into the goal, too. This time, she has a satisfied smirk on her face that she sends to Liam.

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