Chapter 4

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The first day of school has finally arrived. Before riding the school bus, Liam informed me that Mason has been looking for creatures similar to the Berserker that he, Lydia, and I faced that night six months ago. Liam told me that he was merely preparing me for Mason's endless talking, and that I should expect it.

True enough, from the moment we stepped into the bus and then out of it to enter the school, he's been showing us numerous pictures from a bought he even book on beasts.

"This is the one I wanted to tell you about, Riley," Mason now says. "I got this from a rare book dealer in Germany, it cost me two hundred bucks but it was totally worth it."

"Two hundred? Seriously?" I say disbelievingly.

"You're still reading about this stuff?" Liam raises an eyebrow at his best friend.

"I was attacked by an armor plated giant wearing a bear skull. Riley was there, too! It left an impression." We have stopped in front of the History classroom, right before class begins, but Mason wouldn't stop talking. "Look, look! Have you ever seen anything like this?" He points at a sketch on the expensive book he purchased. Oddly enough, it looks similar to a Berserker.

"Um, no," says Liam, his voice becoming high-pitched, "never."

"Let's get to class, okay?" I tell Mason. Liam nods in agreement and is first to start walking, yet Mason obviously doesn't stop pestering us.

"Have you ever heard of a..." I hear him say, but I hurry and make my way into the classroom. I take my usual seat which is in front of Liam and across Mason, setting my bag down on the floor next to me.

"Take your seats everyone!" Mr. Yukimura orders just as the two boys behind me enter the room.

"Ugh," I hear Liam say. "Great." In confusion, I turn around and notice that he's frowning at a curly-haired girl on the seat next to his. I raise my eyebrows, urging him to explain, but he's looking back and forth at the girl and Mr. Yukimura as if he doesn't know what to do. Then, the girl faces Liam, pulling her hair back while chewing gum and blowing a bubble. I feel a weird sense of distaste towards her already.

"Liam, sit down," I mutter. He shakes his shad furiously at me then turns in his place, searching for a new seat. I face Mason and his eyes are wide as he shrugs at me.

"Liam," Mr. Yukimura finally calls his attention. "You're not just gonna stand there, are you?"


"The whole semester?"

"Maybe," Liam repeats.

"Liam," Mr. Yukimura says with a tone of finality, "have a seat."

Liam sighs in defeat. He places his bag down and takes his seat behind me, looking uncomfortable. Before I avert my gaze back to the front of my classroom, Liam frowns before shifting in his seat and revealing that he sat on a piece of chewed gum. My jaw literally drops at that and we share a look of shock. I briefly glance suspiciously at the new girl next to Liam, and she turns to smirk at Liam and then me. I raise my eyebrows and finally face the blackboard again but not before catching the sight of Mason's amused expression.

"Alright! Welcome to History." The first class of the day and year has finally begun.

A little under an hour later, the first period has ended. Liam, Mason, and I now walk down the halls side by side. Until now, Mason is still talking about the Berserker- not that he knows that that's the actual name of the monster.

"Mason, you're becoming obsessed with these creatures," I say jokingly to him.

"Look, I'm not saying I believe all of it a hundred percent, but people around us seem to know things. Like Lydia, she knows things. And if you knew something about that dude who held us hostage, you'd tell me, right Riley?"

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