Ch. 39 Who's Your Momma Now?

Start from the beginning

“Pam I’m not going to slap her! She would kill me when she wakes up!”


“Oh for the love of fuck. We need to let her know that the fucking goddess in the room is her mom again. Now Eric slap your soul mate. She won’t kill you.”

Yep, that’s Pam…Wait…Slap me? Did I pass out? I passed out! Time to wake up!

“Don’t slap me! Don’t slap me!” I was sat bolted up on the couch in the same room with my arms held up. I slowly set them down to see Eric next to me. He was a little worried and asked how I was feeling. “Like I just passed out.”

“Thank you Captain Obvious, now can we please get this conversation on the road.” Pam barked and I raised my eyebrows.

“Ok!” I snapped and turned to see the woman claiming to be Athena and my mom sitting across from me, not even five feet away. She looked calm but also I felt a sort of relief rolling off of her.

“This may seem hard for you to understand, but I am your mother.”

“But how?” I asked and took Eric’s hand. I looked to the side and saw that Max and Caine were still here too standing against the wall.

“It is not wise for us gods of Olympus to come to Earth and develop a serious relationship with a human. My father was furious when I did.” Athena took a deep breath and I held mine.

“Your father…Zeus.” I whispered. “But what about my mom?”

“She was not your real mother, but first I must tell you the beginning…I met you father and we fell in love. I left Olympus for a few years to be with him on Earth. Then something- or rather someone unexpected happened.” I could tell she was talking about me because she smiled. “I got pregnant with you. Your father and I were so excited!” I watched as a small tear rolled down her cheek and just stayed quiet while I squeezed Eric’s hand.

“Then when you were born I was seriously thinking of giving up my powers and becoming fully human. When my father found out he was furious. He said my place was on Olympus and to be the goddess I was born to be. I didn’t have a choice. When it came down to it, Zeus threatened to kill your father and you if I relinquished my powers. So he gave me one year with you and your father to spend in exchange for your lives and to return to Olympus. It was the hardest thing that I have ever done knowing I would not be with the two people I loved the most.” By now more tears were rolling down Athena’s eyes and my heart ached for her. To hold her and tell her it was ok.

“Would you like a tissue?” Max asked the silently crying goddess and she accepted.

“Your father took it hard but in the end he understood what I was doing to keep you safe. So I told him that I would love him forever, and I forever will. I told him he had to find someone in this world that could make him happy and raise you to be a happy child. Though the night that they died…I couldn’t get away to save him and I’m so sorry. I am so sorry Violet…”

By now I was crying. I didn’t want to make a sound and Eric wrapped an arm around me while still holding my hand. I stared at this woman- goddess- or what ever you wanted to title her as and saw my true mom. I felt it in my heart of hearts that this woman was my missing link in life.


After the whole story about my dad and my now mom, it was time to talk about business. The war.

“So far we have come up with that Eris will try to open a door to hell. It is only a few hours from Bon Temps and in a church. Of course it was built by monks. If I am not mistaken it’s the door Thor the Norse god had created centuries ago.” Athena explained and all eyes went to Eric.

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