Chapter 13

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Pic of Sean, above :)
Sean walked me home that night. I was tired. I could barely walked. My hips hurt, my thighs hurt. My head was pounding. I was dizzy. What if I'm pregnant? My body screamed. Impossible, I can't know this early. I'd have to find out in a couple weeks. What I had to do now, was focus on school, and Randy. You cheated on him, you whore. My gut screamed. Stfu, my brain said. I walked up my driveway not turning back to look at Sean and walked inside, and up to my room.


My alarmed blared. I slammed my hand to silence it. 9 minutes later, it went of again. I slammed my hand down on it again and turned it off and jumped out of bed. I ran into the washroom, got changed and walked to school. I saw someone standing near my locker. Dylan. (Dylan is the school bully, Randy's cousin)
"Hey bitch." He snarled.
"Hey to yourself to!" I said, my words dripping with sarcasm. I went to open my locker.
"What are you doing this weekend?" He asked.
"Nothing, concerning you." I snapped.
"Wow, chill, you pregnant or something?" He laughed.
I turned around and grabbing him by the neck, pushed him against the wall.
"Go to hell, motherfu**er." I snarled and punched him.
"Crazy bitch!" He snarled and pushed me, throwing me against he locker opposite to my locker. He threw me on the ground, straddled me, and kept punching me repeatedly, I tried covering my face, he was pulled off by somebody. I curled in a ball. Then someone whispered in my ear.
"See you on the weekend. You bring your body, I'll bring birth control." They laughed and walked off. Someone picked me up. I snuggled into their chest and was carried outside onto the grass, behind the bleachers. Where no one could hear, or see. I opened my eyes, and gasped.


So, I'm going to start updating regularly starting in September. Pay attention! I'll keep posing pics of the characters! ALL OF THEM. STAY TUNED!!
Who is the mysterious person,taking her to the bleachers?
Who said that sexual sentence?
Why does Dylan have a sudden interest in her?
The next chapter had a lot of suspense, and drama! So bring a blanket, a coffee, a bowl of popcorn and some tissues. It's about to get real!
Next Update at:

400 Reads! 35 Likes! (In total) almost there! Just to let you know I have the next 3 chapters written so just keep reading and liking and then they will be posted PRONTO! I'll check every 1 hour! Have fun!



P.S. comment how many more chapters you want!

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