Chapter Eight

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            “Monica.” He said it again, this time more confidently.Lydia stood there numbly not knowing what to do. The look of confusion and fear was apparent on her face. Could it be possible that Jason had mistakenLydia for another player? It was very promising by the looks of it. The green glow from Jason’s glowstick was dim, not bright enough to giveaway the reality thatLydia’s hair was a dark brown with glimpses of red strands. Luckily in the dark, her dark brown locks could pass as black. Her wavy hair was pulled into a ponytail, making the strands look straighter like Monica’s hair.

            Jason’s hand slid cautiously from under her chin up to her cheek.Lydia flinched as his thumb stroked her hot wet cheek. Maybe it was because Jason knew too well how stress and fear could change a person’s appearance or because the makeup she wore was smeared, butLydia looked enough like Monica to pass as her. Although Jason had only gotten a glimpse of the pretty girl before the lights flickered off, he was sure that this girl was Monica.

            Lydia’s lip quivered, giving away her terror. The filthy hands of a murderer touched her face, but then again they were all killers in this twisted game. Her whole body felt stiff and glued to the spot; she couldn’t move. Unexpectedly, Jason pulled her forward into his arms. Her face pressed against his strong chest as he held her firmly. The hold loosened after a while, and he continued to rest his chin on her head.

            A deep whisper emanated from his throat, “Its okay… I shouldn’t have abandoned you. I forgot that you weren’t used to this kind of stuff. Were you scared? I’m sorry.” His warm hands wrapped around her tenderly. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here.” Finally he let go of her.Lydia stumbled back, shuffling awkwardly with the oversized sneakers dragging down her feet. She gave a slightly awkward smile. As sad as it seems, sometimes having a murderer comfort you is better than no one at all. When he doesn’t know who you are, you might as well go with it. So that’s exactly whatLydia did. Obviously Jason had cared about this “Monica” girl, so it made sense to take advantage of the situation. She would get free protection from Jason and her life would be spared.

            Jason took a step forward, and in the process stepped on a shard of glass. He let out a small yelp, “Oh [insert bad word here]”

                        “Sh! Watch the language.”Lydia whispered in the dark. She couldn’t help it; it was instinct. Bad language was never allowed when she was growing up. She had never uttered such dirty words before, and it was a habit to make sure others kept their mouth clean as well.

            He chuckled, “Yes ma’am.” A grin formed on his lips, making him look almost childish and innocent. Then it disappeared, leaving the ominous expression of a killer. How long has it been since he had laughed? A year and three months probably. It had been exactly a year and three months since Ashleigh had left him. The glass shard really did hurt though. He yanked it out quickly, leaving the cut to bleed. He fingered the warm blood that trickled down; it reminded him of a memory long ago, a memory that should be forgotten.

            Immersed in his thoughts, Jason didn’t hearLydia speak the first time. “Hey.” A moment passed before he lifted his head and stood up. She repeated herself, “Hey. Are you okay? Is something wrong?”

            “Nah. I just stepped on some glass that’s all. You know, because we shattered the mirrors.” She gasped; he had been the one that attacked Bennet! She was finally starting to understand that the girl she killed in the library (Monica) had been working with the guy in front of her (Jason) to attack Bennet. FortunatelyLydia still had her head; she quickly covered up the suspicious gasp by stooping down to examine his foot.

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