Chapter 4 : Bennet Collins

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Bennet Collins

                        Why had I not seen it before? It was so simple and so easy, and yet I overlooked it. I need to concentrate if I’m going to survive. Usually under these circumstances I would probably refuse to participate in this barbaric game, but there are killers on the loose. Defending myself and “accidentally” winning is the least I can do for now. The only thing I know for a fact is that we are going to be fighting to the death in the dark. It is more than obvious to me that I cannot win like this, in these conditions, so I must out smart the rest. Now that I have Lydia on my side, I have an advantage. Hopefully she is smarter and stronger than she seems to be.

                        My heart pounds in my chest, making it harder to breathe as I run. I just keep telling my legs to go, “right, left, right… faster!” I have no idea where I am going; all I know is that I need to escape the predator. My glow stick’s light is dim and no help at all. If anything, I am probably drawing more attention to myself. I refuse to let it go though, without it I am blind. I squint in the dark ahead of me, only to realize that it wasn’t dark at all. I see another figure running toward me with a glow stick. If they catch me, I’m dead. I have no training in fighting like this. I’ve never seriously injured anyone intentionally before. In this game, I am the weak prey.

                        My feet stop instantly and change direction. Left or right I no

longer know, but it is away from the killer. My lungs burn, as I run at full speed. But I hear a chuckle; it seems to come from all around or is that just my nerves? I see the killer running at me from the other side again. Are they working together to corner me? Are they all here at once? I look around me and my stomach lurches with fear and my heart sinks. I count at least nine, ten… eleven pursuing figures from all around. The light from their glow sticks bouncing everywhere and distracting me. It creates a greenish haze in air. I have three grenades and nothing more. I must choose wisely, whether to use one now or later. I am undecided, my fingers gripping it tightly in my jacket pocket. To use it or not… is it worth it?

                        I turn the corner again, and see another figure coming at me. One just one, but I knew I was surrounded. The other’s lights shimmered on him and bounced off.  He had no light himself though. He approached and stopped in front of me. There was no end to this taunting. They were closing in on me. I throw caution to the wind.

                        “Why can’t you just let me alone?!”

                        My only answer is a small twist of the killer’s head to the side. My killer’s head. I run to him angrily. Suddenly, there is a loud crash before I can reach him. Particles fly in all direction, flying at me. Luckily I had enough sense to close my eyes, because when I look again I am bloody. Glass shards scatter on the floor around me, and then I see it. I was surrounded by mirrors, thousands of them. Everywhere.

I turn I see my own reflection, the pursuer with the glow stick. I no longer know what is real and what is reflection.

                        All I am aware of is the steadily approaching footsteps, and I am sure that they are not Lydia’s. I see the shadow everywhere. I run at the mirrors smashing them with my bare hands. I feel the shards drive in, deeper, and deeper. If only I can take away his one advantage. Another crash, but not from me, and more glass rains down on me. My body is bloody and dripping on the floor. Was I to die now? I struggle to stand back up. A dark shadow crosses behind me in all the mirrors left. Where was he? I whip around, trying to spot my predator. A trickle of blood blurs my eyesight. I use my hands to wipe it away, but realize that they are just as bad. Shards of glass poke out of my skin, and my glow stick lies on the floor too far for me to reach. The end is near; I am to die.

                        The footsteps continue to grow louder, and I realize I am standing

in a pile of glass. My heart beats faster, as I listen to the heavy breathing close to me. I turn to the side to look at my own reflection before me. I touch the glass, and my reflection mirrors me. Suddenly, there is a swish of air and a sharp pain hits me. My leg gives out, and I fall on to the ground. I cannot contain the burning of hot blood running down and the pain that spreads up my leg. A cry of anguish escapes from my mouth, a whimper of a weak victim, and a scream that echoes into the darkness. Yes, I am to die.

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