26: A Scratch

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Michael pressed a kiss to Luke's temple, his arm wrapped around him as the blonde looked at his boyfriend's tattoos on his legs. "You okay babe?" Michael whispered, pulling Luke closer to his body. "Yeah," Luke croaked.

"I'm sorry about what happened yesterday," Michael frowned, remembering the remark his father made about Luke. "No one understood me," Luke whispered distantly, thinking back to the time it happened. "They don't have to understand you, no one does. But I do, I understand you," Michael said, a small frown etched on his lips.

Luke nodded, kissing Michael's chest quickly. Michael threw his leg around Luke's body and nuzzled his nose against Luke's neck. The blonde giggled quietly when goosebumps appeared up his skin and shivered at the feeling. Michael cupped Luke's cheeks gently and pressed their lips together briefly when he suddenly heard shuffling coming from the hallway.

The two pulled away from each other and sat up, Michael pulling a shirt over his body when he heard a few soft knocks on his door. "Come in," Michael yawned, stretching as he watched Cy step into the room with sleepy eyes. Michael smiled at the baggy shirt he had let his brother borrow and the way it fit his slim body.

"Mornin'," Cy mumbled, plopping onto the couple's bed and taking in the scent of cologne and syrup for some reason. "How'd you sleep?" Michael asked quietly, running his fingers through Luke's hair who was still slightly half asleep. "Well for one, I actually slept," Cy chuckled softly, stretching and hummed in satisfaction when his back popped.

"I take it you slept good then?" Michael asked, laughing lightly as he continued running his fingers through Luke's hair who was now cradled to his chest. Cy hummed in response and yawned quietly, rubbing his slightly red eyes.

He glanced at the couple and saw the way Michael looked at Luke with hearts in his eyes. He knew they were in love, but it didn't look like they knew just yet.

"How long have you two been together?" Cy asked quietly, voice barely above a whisper. Luke lifted his head from Michael's chest and groggily opened his eyes. "Around three months," the blonde mumbled, going back to sleep on his boyfriend's chest with a loud yawn.

Michael nodded softly and kissed Luke's forehead sweetly. "Are you seeing anyone?" Michael asked curiously. Cy's cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he shrugged his broad shoulders. "I -- I guess I am, I think I like h -- her but I'm not sure y -- yet," he stuttered, playing with the sleeves of his brother's shirt.

Michael smirked at his brother playfully and giggled quietly. "If you want to shower there's a bathroom in the hall, I'll have breakfast ready by the time you're out," Michael offered, sitting up and attempting to wake up Luke who simply scrunched up his nose and furrowed his eyebrows. "Thanks," Cy smiled slightly, getting up and leaving the couple's room. "I'll leave some clothes and a towel for you outside!" Michael yelled, making Luke stir in his sleep slightly.

"You sound like such a dad," Luke giggled, kissing Michael's chin softly. Michael smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. "I refuse to call you daddy, now go make breakfast," Luke chuckled, pushing Michael away from him. Michael giggled softly before leaving his room and gathering some clothes and a towel for his brother. He placed the items outside the bathroom door like he said he would and made his way downstairs, feeling himself grow nauseous by the second.

He gripped his stomach and put a hand over his mouth as he felt sick rise up his throat. Michael gagged loudly but nothing came up and he gripped the end of the stairway dizzily. "You okay love?" Luke asked from upstairs, straining his throat as he tried to reach his chair next to his bed but couldn't.

Michael didn't respond as he sat on the end of the stairway, rubbing at his aching temples. The blue haired boy gripped his churning stomach once more and felt tears prickle his eyes as he felt the need to vomit but couldn't physically do it. He suddenly heard a loud crash upstairs and bolted up and began running up the stairs, feeling the pit in his stomach sink deeper and deeper and something rise up his throat.

His eyes worriedly looked around the room as he held back the sick building up in his throat. Michael gasped when he saw Luke on the floor by his chair. "Baby," Michael managed to whisper. He rushed towards Luke and helped the blonde up. "Are you okay?" Luke slurred, gripping Michael's face once he was sat up.

"I should be asking you that," Michael mumbled. "I'm fine, I just lost my footing when I stood up. What happened? Did you throw up? Are you okay?" Luke blurted, concern clear in his sky blue eyes. Michael nodded, still feeling a deep pit in his stomach. "Just nauseous is all," he assured the blonde.

Luke furrowed his eyebrows, his face softening when an idea popped in his head. He smiled softly and opened his mouth to speak. Michael knew what he was going to say. "Do -- do you think...?" Luke whispered happily, his eyes lighting up. Michael smiled at the sight he hasn't seen in so long and nodded softly.

"Oh my god," Luke breathed, pulling Michael in for a hug, feeling happy tears prickle his eyesight. He put a hand over Michael's stomach and cupped the smooth skin. "There's a tiny human in there," Luke whispered, amazed at the thought of that.

They're going to be a dads.

"Michael, oh my god!" Luke squealed, pulling himself up from the floor as Michael helped him slightly. Michael smiled as Luke wrapped his arms around his body and pulled him close. "How do you feel? About it -- the baby, I mean?" Luke stuttered, blue eyes happy as he let his hands caress the small rolls on Michael's sides.

Michael bit his lip. "I'm scared. I -- I guess I feel like I can't handle taking care of a life -- much less give life," he mumbled quietly, playing with his tattooed fingers in his lap. "If you can handle surviving this long in this shitty world you can handle giving life and being responsible for it," Luke assured him, voice deep and slurred as he clung onto his boyfriend. Michael nodded softly and pecked the blonde's lips with a small smile.

The two sat in silence until Luke shakily intwined fingers with Michael. "I hate to be so negative love," Luke paused. "But, I uh don't have a lot of time left," he cleared his throat, holding back tears once again. Michael looked down at his fingers as Luke brought their hands onto his lap. "I -- I'm thankful you gave me the opportunity to leave a scratch on the world though. We're going to make a beautiful music crazed baby, yeah?" Luke laughed lightly through his tears as he wiped under Michael's eyes with the pad of his thumb.

"I -- I think I lo --"

"My body is ready for some bomb ass pancakes," Cy yelled, entering the couple's room making them jump slightly.

Michael rolled his eyes and wiped them feverishly in attempt to look like he had not just cried. Cy belly flopped onto the couple's bed with a loud sigh as he curled in one himself.

Michael gazed at Luke with glossy eyes and looked away sadly.

He knew Luke was right.


hope y'all have/had a great New Year's Eve :--)

I'm planning on double updating soon??? I'm trying to end this story to start a new one wiNk

hopefully 2016 will be a better year for you all okay ily all my tiny beans

~ xoxo ~


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