13: Sober performance +

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(A/N) there's so much smut in this story pLS BARE WITH ME MY TINY SOns


Michael really regretted inviting Luke to see him perform at Old Paul's.

He really really regretted it.

He gulped as Calum glared at the two from behind the bar, Luke giggling like a maniac from all the alcohol in his body. "I wouldn't mind four all at the same time," Luke giggled, talking about a movie the duo watched about male strippers. (A/N i wrote this when Magic Mike came out shut up omg)

They really liked that movie.

"How would that work?" Michael asked, chuckling at the way Luke's eyes were droopy yet bright as hell.

Michael inhaled smoke into his lungs, blowing out a cloud of smoke from the part in his lips. "One in front, one in back, one on my left, and one on my right," Luke pointed out, shrugging with raised eyebrows as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Wow," Michael laughed, Luke leaning on his shoulder as he laughed along with him. "Next up is Michael Clifford!" Paul, the owner of the bar, said cheerfully into the mic on stage as people cheered and clapped. Michael froze as Luke squealed at the mention of his name.

"Go kick some ass," Luke smiled, shifting in his seat so that when Michael got up he wouldn't fall over. Michael nodded as he bit the inside of his cheek, picking up his guitar case and made his way towards the stage.

His palms began to sweat as he stood at the side of the stage, taking out his beloved guitar that's been with his nerves for years. He quickly wiped his hands on his thighs before walking up onto the stage with a smile on his face.

Claps erupted through the small bar and silence fell when Michael went up to the microphone. He looked over at Luke with a churning stomach and met gazes with the boy. Luke shot him a smile and gave him a thumbs up, causing Michael's nerves to settle down slightly.

"I'm usually known for, uh, for performing covers, but I thought I'd change it up a bit." Michael said shakily into the mic, eyes grazing over the crowded room. "This is an original," he strummed his guitar.

"This song is called The Only Reason," Michael smiled at Luke.


"That was great," Luke slurred, his entire body weight on Michael as they made their way towards Michael's truck across the street. "Yeah well that was my first sober performance," Michael chuckled. "I always perform half drunk, so that's probably why it was a bit better.

Luke hummed in response and sleepily let his eyes close. "Hey, don't sleep. I need to get you up a flight of stairs," Michael chuckled, shaking Luke slightly. Luke forced his eyes open and noticed he was already in Michael's truck and the duo were already downtown.

"You looked great on stage," Luke mumbled, leaning his head on Michael's boney shoulder. His eyes flicked around wildly as he took in the sight of dozens of headlights before them. Nighttime was always his favorite; he liked the anonymity of not knowing who drove what car. He liked the way the bright headlights of cars reflected off of objects. He liked the shine of the moon and the countless stars surrounding it, reminding him just how amazing the galaxy must be. His mind craved things to think about, he loved the thought of thinking of the smallest details of anything.

"Thanks," Michael blushed, looking down at Luke as his small blue eyes examined the big world in front of him.

"You're everything I wished to be," Luke sighed, looking up at Michael and smiling at the way the red stoplight reflected off of his beautiful marble like eyes.

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