16: Help

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Michael groaned as he rolled over in his bed, the light from the hallway illuminating his room so he could see slightly. He smiled when he saw Luke sleeping peacefully, breathing slightly ragged yet calm.

He slowly pulled himself out of bed, stomach churning as he sat himself up. Michael grasped his stomach, eyes going wide when he felt nauseous. He put a hand over his mouth before quickly scurrying out of his room and rushing towards the bathroom across the hall.

Without lifting the lid to the toilet he let his food spill out of his mouth and into the toilet bowl as he groaned and gagged. Michael felt tears brim his eyes as he flushed the toilet after a few minutes and curled in on himself as his head began to pound.

"Shit," he whispered, fingers massaging his temples gently.

He knew exactly what was happening to him but he didn't want to admit it to himself. But it couldn't go unnoticed at all.

Michael had to know wether or not he was pregnant.

So he stood to his feet and brushed his teeth, nervous about leaving the house at one in the morning. He tip-toed his way back into his room and snatched up his clothes from the floor before closing the door and changing in the hallway with a pounding heart in his chest.

Was this really happening? Was getting this job a mistake? Of course not, why would he even think that. Luke's done nothing but help Michael and vice versa. It's like there's no bad in all of this, not yet anyway.

What are they though? Michael carefully made his way downstairs, feeling around the house and made it into the kitchen without breaking anything.

He snatched his keys and made his way towards the door with a huff, going to get a cigarette from the small box in his jacket but stopped himself with a hesitant sigh.

Michael slowly opened the door and let the cool air hit his face. Pulling his jean jacket closer to him, he stepped out of the warmth of the house and into the cold wisps of winter.

He sat in his truck with a smile, memories of him and Luke chatting mindlessly while going around to run errands and whatnot scurrying throughout his mind. He pursed his lips as he thought though. Where the fuck could he get a pregnancy test at one in morning?

He decided on going to the nearest store that he knew for a fact was open for twenty-four hours. His heart stopped when Small Bump by Ed Sheeran came on the radio and he quickly turned it off with shaky hands.

Michael nervously bit the inside of his cheeks as he made a turn and groaned as he stopped at a red light. Was this actually happening? Was Michael really about to find out if he was pregnant or not?

He sighed after the light turned green, and parked in the semi-empty parking lot. It was only his beat up truck and another car, plus someone who had parked a few spaces away from him.

Michael walked into the store, passing by a few isles until he saw a shelf with a few tests on them. He picked up two blue ones and made his way towards the cash register with his credit card in hand, hoping this one had money in it.

He silently paid for his items, the teenage cashier with too much eyeliner under his eyes shooting him an odd look. Michael sheepishly paid for the tests and scurried out of the store, crashing into someone and apologized quickly.

Michael hurriedly began walking down the parking lot, heart racing when he heard footsteps behind him. Is someone following him? He was about to dash towards his car when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

His heart stopped when he turned his head and made eye contact with the man behind him.

"A --"

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