22: Pride

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(a/n) I realize what happens in this chapter happened in like June but hey whatever #Lovewins


"I think it's best we go home Luke," Michael whispered quietly, his fingers caressing Luke's bare thigh. He dragged his fingers towards Luke's hip and gave it a gentle squeeze causing Luke to squirm in his grip and giggle slightly.

He turned to Michael and intwined their naked bodies as he sleepily gazed into Michael's tired green eyes. "Why? We barely got here," he frowned, pressing his lips against Michael's briefly but not opening his mouth since they both had morning breath.

"I just don't want anything to happen," Michael frowned, bringing his hand to Luke's hair and pushed it back with ease. Luke sighed heavily and pulled Michael closer to him, their noses squished against each other as Luke's breath hit Michael's lips.

"Can we just ignore what happened and explore, please?" Luke asked quietly, eyes taking in Michael's beautiful ones. "We can't just ignore it Luke, we need to go to the doctor and tell her and ask her what to do if that happens again," Michael just wanted Luke to be okay.

"We'll make an appointment right when we get home, but can we please explore New York? I want to go see Lady Liberty and eat cheap hot dogs with you," Luke said, pressing his lips against Michael's nose.

Michael hesitantly let out an 'okay' and Luke squealed, rolling on top of Michael and straddling his hips as he pressed kisses all over his boyfriend's face.

"I fucking love you," Luke squeaked, not realizing what he had said until he looked at the smile on Michael's face. He wasn't sure if he meant it that way though. Michael placed his hands on Luke's hips and leaned up, letting his hands explore Luke's body and run over his hips.

His thumb brushed over the protruding bone on his waist as he leaned up and pressed his lips against Luke's. They both ignored the morning breath they had as their lips moved against one anothers passionately. Luke cupped Michael's face as he opened his mouth slightly, Michael's tongue entering his mouth and circling the blonde's mouth.

Their noses collided softly, Luke's cute little button nose scrunching up against Michael's. Their lips pulled apart slightly and Luke let out a small giggle as Michael smiled with closed eyes, their foreheads pressed against one another.

"Let's get ready to leave, yeah?" Michael asked, licking his lips. Luke nodded eagerly as he rolled off of his boyfriend. Michael sat up from the comfortable bed, not even bothering to look for some boxers since he knew they were both going to shower anyways.

One bath and two hours later, Luke mindlessly watched tv as Michael slowly dressed himself. The news was on and something about marriage was going on apparently though Luke didn't know what was happening since he had barely turned the tv on.

"Oh hey it's Obama," Luke said randomly, Michael raised an eyebrow as he caught on to the inside joke Luke was referring to.

Luke flinched when something hit his face and be let out a quiet gasp. "Asshole," Luke mumbled, grabbing the shirt that had fallen onto his lap and threw it at Michael.

Michael glared at Luke as he pulled his pants up his hips. He jumped up slightly and pulled them up, feeling himself begin to sweat as he buttoned them. "Fuck," Michael breathed, nearing Luke. He straddled his boyfriend's waist, putting his hands behind Luke's neck. "I need to lose some weight," Michael muttered.

Luke frowned and shook his head, he pulled up Michael's shirt and blew kisses onto his stomach making Michael squirm in his lap and giggle loudly. Luke stopped with a smile. "You look great bub, you don't need to lose weight," Luke complimented.

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