Some Life

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you're constantly being judged
by the public eye
your family
your lover
your peers
so you adjust yourself to please all eyes
and you can't take it
even if you try to express myself,
everybody corrects me on what you're doing wrong
and what you're doing right
is something they can't handle
and something they don't like
so it tears your heart up so much more
you're told to be yourself,
and express your mind freely
but as we accommodate ourselves to our own liking
it's society's idea of wrongdoing
for the rule of freedom of speech
people abuse
as if it is okay
to beat down on someone's life
as if it is not okay
to wear a bit of clothing showing your skin
and not being called a slut
or not following the main crowd
and being called a loner
and we all beat up on each other
because that's all we've ever known
and even if we try so hard
we know that'll never change

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