Chapter 9

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Jamie's POV

"So the first line says, The North Wind directs the course. What do you think that means?" I asked, glancing at Jason, who was looking mighty handsome. His hair was up and the to the side a bit, with a few longer strands hanging down onto his left eyebrow. His jacket was pulled over his shoulders as the temperature had dropped significantly, but it was unzipped, showing his blue Superman shirt.

I don't know when or why I stopped fighting my admiration for Jason. Maybe I just accepted that I found him cute.

More than cute. Hot. I shook my head, it wasn't the time to think about that. It was time to think about the prophecy and what it meant.

"I have an idea." Jason replied, snapping me out of my thoughts. I had forgotten the question until he reminded me. "The North wind... Probably a god, right? So..." Jason scrunched his eyebrows together. "North... God... Oh yeah!" He exclaimed, making me jump. "Boreas!"

Nico looked at him with confusion. "Who in Hades is Boreas?"

"The North Wind God! I visited him a couple of years ago with Piper and Leo, we on a quest in... Quebec! That's right." He said.

"Quebec?" I asked tentatively.

"Yeah, problem?" Jason asked, slowing his pace so he was walking in line with me.

"No, it's just... That's where I grew up, that's all." I said truthfully. I didn't talk to people about my past, mostly because I didn't remember it. I knew I had lived in Quebec for most of my life, but with who was a mystery. Once I was shipped off to Long Island for Camp, I pretty much forgot my family. Everyone in it.

"Wait. You're from Quebec? You're Canadian?" Nico said in disbelief.

"Um, yeah." I said, and Jason stopped walking. I turned around to face him. "What?"

"Nothing." He said, shaking his head, walking again.

"So does that mean you, uh, speak French?" Nico asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

"You like Poutine?"


"Do you make maple syrup?"

"Nico, I-"

"Do you play hockey?"

"I used to, but-"

"Do you have an urge to say 'sorry' every time someone bumps into you?"

"Not really-"

"Do you-"

"NICO! Not every Canadian stereotype is true!" I shouted, turning red. He shrugged with a grin on his face, which was pretty amazing, because Nico never smiled. "Geez..." I sighed, turning to Jason who was laughing like an idiot.

"What?" I said. He just shook his head and kept laughing his adorable laugh. I chuckled a bit myself and we headed down the road to call a cab.


Hello <3 I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far :) I think I the next chapter some romance is gonna happen :P Anyway, comment what you think :)


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