Chapter 8

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Jamie's POV

As soon as we stepped through the arch, I immediately felt different. It was like a protective jacket had been lifted off my shoulders and it left me... exposed. I guess this was what the mortals felt like everyday. I didn't like it one bit.

Jason was the first one to speak. "Jamie, do you have any idea at all where your brother is?" he said grimly. I shook my head in shame. I had no clue where my brother was, or even if he was in the same country as I was.

"Great." Nico whispered under his breath. I glared at him and then turned back to Jason, smiling apologetically.

"It's okay. Chiron mentioned something about seeing the Oracle about a prophecy. Maybe that will help." He said gently. I nodded.

"Where is the Oracle?" I asked curiously, knowing whatever it was wasn't at Camp.

"Rachel is in a cave somewhere around here." Nico sighed.

"A cave?" I arched an eyebrow. He nodded. "What kind of a person lives in a cave? And who's Rachel?" I asked. After all my time at Camp I had never heard of this Oracle or Rachel. It made me wonder what else I didn't know.

"It's not really a cave. I mean, it is, but she decorated it and stuff, so it doesn't feel like a cave." Jason explained.

"Why doesn't she live in Camp like the rest of the demigods?" I thought out loud.

"She's not a demigod." Nico said blandly, picking at his fingernails.

"What?" I said, extremely confused. Jason placed a hand on my shoulder.

"We'll explain on the way."


When we reached the cave, Jason had told me everything I needed to know about Rachel, and the Oracle lived inside her, and how she told prophecies and such. It took me a while to understand it, but I got it in the end.

Jason walked in first. "Rachel?" He said tentatively. I peered behind him, expecting someone old and creepy, maybe with lots of jewels and stuff. I was completely wrong.

"Oh, hey Jason!" A girl about my age waved from behind an easel. She had regular jeans on, but they were covered in doodles and paint splatters. The same could not be said for her shirt, though. It was spotless. Her eyes were greyish-blue, a bit more saturated than Annabeth's. And her hair. It was as red as hair could get. (Naturally, of course.)

"Uh, hi." Jason answered awkwardly. "How are you?" He said.

Rachel shrugged, then turned back to her painting. "Good I guess."

"That's , uh... Great. Nice weather we're having here huh?" Jason said, causing Nico to face palm.

"Gods, Grace. You are anything but Grace-ful." Nico said. "Listen Rachel, we're going on a quest to save Jamie's brother, and we basically-" Nico was cut off by Rachel dropping her pain pallet, red and blue spattering all over his shirt. Nico cursed a few times while attempting to wipe off the paint, but I wasn't focused on Nico.

Rachel's eyes glowed green as the same coloured smoke billowed out from her mouth. I grabbed Jason's arm, I didn't know why, though. Maybe I was scared. Maybe I just wanted a reason to cling to Jason. Probably option 1.

"It's okay. This is normal." Jason whispered to me, his breath hitting my ear. It sent a shiver down my spine as I nodded, turning my attention back to the scene in front of me.

"The North Wind directs the course, across the great mountains, to an unbeatable force. The sky's son shall fall to the-" before she could finish her sentence, Rachel's eyes returned to normal colour, and she then passed out. Jason ran to her side, propping her head up on his backpack.

"That's it?" Nico said angrily, running his fingers through his jet-black hair.

"Cool it, di Angelo. I don't control the Oracle. Quite frankly, it's the other way around." Rachel stated, opening her eyes. "I'll be fine." She mumbled to Jason. He nodded and withdrew his backpack from under her head as she sat up.

"Yeah yeah." He growled, stepping out of the 'cave'.

I pulled out a pen and a notepad and wrote down the words the Oracle had said.

"I've never been cut off during the middle of a prophecy. It's weird. Really weird. It's a bad omen." Rachel said grimly. "I know that because Chiron told me the last time it happened, all three demigods didn't come back."

"That's... Cheery. Thanks Rachel." Jason said, walking over to me and swinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Hope you got what you were looking for." She said, picking up her paint pallet from the ground.

"See ya round." Jason said, walking out of the cave with me following.


Hey guys. Thanks for reading. Sorry I took so long to update 😫 Comment what you think


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