Chapter 3

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"Gods Jamie, you're slow." Jason laughed, looking down at me.

"Well, I'm sorry. I'm not really used to climbing ladders in the middle of the night." I answered sarcastically. Jason held his hands up in surrender as I gripped the next rung.

Once I got to the top, the view was incredible. It literally took my breath away. It was like the sky had opened up just for us. The stars seemed to shine more brilliantly from up there, and I could see all of them, no trees blocking the view.

"Pretty awesome, right?" Jason asked.

"It's beautiful." I breathed. Jason closed the hatch door behind me as I sat down on the concrete surface. He plopped down beside me and looked up at the sky.

"I first discovered this about, a year ago. I mean, I didn't even know it existed before then. But now... I come up here almost every night." he said, glancing at me with those blue eyes that put the stars to shame.

For goodness' sakes Jamie! Shut up with admiring Jason! I slilently thought.

A cold blast of air blew past me and I shivered involuntarily, and I snuggled closer to Jason, not knowing what I was doing.

My cheeks reddened as I realized what I did, but I didn't move. I liked having Jason's strong body next to mine.

Stop it! He probably doesn't even like you! I mentally shouted. I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

Jason's POV

My plan worked.

Blowing a gust of cold air, just to get Jamie closer to me, worked.

She snuggled against me, and I could tell she was shivering. I gently put my arm around her to keep her warm. I hoped she didn't mind.

I didn't know what came over me earlier. I just saw her walking, and I called out to her. The urge was too strong. She looked very upset, on edge, like something was wrong. Maybe I just felt over-protective.

"Hey, uh, what was wrong earlier?" I asked her. She stiffened and took a deep breath.

"It was nothing." she said.

"It was obviously something." I replied.

"No, no. It was nothing, just a... bad dream." she said hastily. I decided not to push it. She slinked out from under my arm and hugged her knees. What was wrong with her?

"You sure?" I asked again. She nodded slightly. "Okay..." I trailed off, trusting her. I had always felt a need to keep people safe, and happy, and it felt like I was failing at doing it.

"Where were you?" she asked out of the blue.

I arched an eyebrow. "Sorry?"

"I mean, where you before yesterday?" She said, turning to face me.

"Oh. I was at Camp Jupiter." I said simply, hoping I wouldn't have to explain what that was to her.

"But aren't you Greek?" she said, confused.

"Well... yes. But I'm also Roman. You see..." I went on to explain my story of how Hera had wiped my memory and placed me in a Greek camp, ect.

When I was done, she looked at me with amazement. I kind of liked it.

"Wow. You've done it all, huh?" she said, sinking back into her sweater, pulling the sleeves over her hands.

"Not really." I answered, cringing at my dumb response. She laughed though, which made me feel better. "I have to go back to Camp Jupiter tomorrow... I need to help with the shrines and cabins, and the reconstruction of New Rome."

"What? You're leaving?" She asked, a hint if melancholy in her voice.

"Yeah, but not for long. Maybe about two weeks." I answered. She sighed, and it was quiet for a long time after that.

"It's three in the morning, I should probably get back to my cabin..." she said, sounding disappointed.

"Or you could stay here." I suggested. She tilted her head ever so slightly to right, and smiled.

"I could." she said.


So here's another short chapter, sorry it sucks :( I'll try to make the next one longer and better :) Are you glad you got a little of Jason's POV? Comment what you think! love youuuuss,


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