Chapter 30: Time

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*next day*

"What are we going to name the baby?", Harry asked.

"I don't know. Maybe the boys can give us some ideas.", I said.

"Management is calling. I'll be right back.", he told me.

"Okay.", I replied.

I took a quick nap so I could get some rest. I suddenly woke up in pain.

No. Not right now.

There was more pain, and I knew it. The baby is coming today.

"HARRY!", I yelled.

"Babe, what is it?", Harry asked me.

"The baby's coming.", I replied.

"Stay right there. I'll go call the boys, and tell them to meet us at the hospital.", he said.

"Okay. Hurry!", I shouted.

I tried to ignore the pain I was in, but it would only get worse.

"I called the boys. Ready to go?", Harry asked me.

I nodded. Harry grabbed my hand and drove me to the hospital.

"Are we there yet?", I asked.

"We're almost there. Just breathe, okay babe?", he whispered.

We finally arrived after a long time.

"Where are the boys?", I asked.

"They should be here. I don't know where they are.", Harry said.

Harry looked out the window and saw Zayn, Niall, Louis, and Liam walk through the door.

"How are you feeling?", Harry asked.

"It really hurts, Harry. I can't stand it.", I replied.

"Trust me, if I could take the pain away from you, I would.", he said.

The contractions hurt so bad and the pain was only getting worse and worse; I hated every second of it.

The only good thing is that Harry is here, by my side.


*2 hours later*

"I just want to get this baby out!", I yelled.

"Everything's going to be okay. Keep breathing.", Harry whispered.

I heard music coming from outside the room. Niall was playing his guitar.

"Niall, can you please be quiet?", Harry said.

"Fine.", Niall groaned.

Harry saw the boys hiding, trying to be silly. (The boys were holding signs that said "What Makes You Beautiful" on it)

"Stop fooling around!", I yelled.

They were still talking outside while I was with Harry.

After a while, they were quiet, and waited outside.


"Dang it! I want this baby out right now!", I yelled.

"Don't worry, love. We'll see our baby soon.", Harry whispered.

The nurse finally came in the room.

"Caitlyn, are you ready?", she asked me.

I nodded my head and gripped Harry's hand REALLY HARD.

I had to live through all the pain, but it would be worth it when Harry and I meet our baby for the first time.


* about 1 hour later *

Finally. Harry and I saw our baby.

"It's a boy.", the nurse told us.

Harry and I smiled.

"We still need a name for him, Harry.", I said.

"Hold on.", he replied, showing me a list of baby names that he had thought of.

I looked through the list until I saw a name I liked.

"How about Andrew James Styles?", I suggested.

"I like that.", Harry answered.

"Welcome to the world, Andrew Styles.", I whispered.

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