We sat there in silence waiting for each other to say something.

"Baby we need to talk..." We said together.

"Oh... You first..." We said together again.

I took a deep breathe and I went first.

"If we don't get a job soon how we going to pay for these bills Drake?" We both looked down and I began to rub Martini.

"We can move with my father..." He said.

"But we just got this house last month... We can't move already."

"What other choice do we have?"

"We can get a job duh..." I said in a duh tone...

"Oh really Tre? I haven't thought of that, Hmm let's see... Wait what is this? Is this... It can't be... Its a ... Application for a job...." He said trying to be funny. I looked at him funny. He couldn't help but laugh. Wasn't shit funny.

"I'll call off the House party..." I said disappointed.

"Okay..." He said dry. "I'll call my father to see if he would let me move in with him..." He said irritated.


As I was laying down with Martini on My stomach and watching TV my phone rang. It was Imani. I quickly answered.

"Hey Bitch!" She yelled.

"Hey girl" I said frustrated.

"What's wrong baby?" She asked sounding concern.

"Child... Can you tell everyone the house party canceled?"


"We not gone be able to keep this house... Were actually staying with Frames Father... I gotta ask him about his father and what all he so and shit. I ain't even had my coffee yet." I said somewhat sounding like my grandma.

"Well damn... What about your father? I mean he did come to his senses and walked you down the aisle."

Yes MY father finally came to his senses and accepted not only my sexuality but me and Drake. He behaved decently. The after party he was drunk but it was nice having my father FINALLY accept who I was and who I was with.

"Yeah... But... He just now accepted me, I don't wanna be a peat and take advantage of that..."

"He owes you, the hell you talking bout?"

"Yea but... I don't know..."

"Honey I'll talk to you later." She said kind of frustrated now. I hung up the phone and began packing.


After I was done packing I rolled my suit cases down stairs and stopped it at the door. I waited for drake and it took him forever just to pack so I went upstairs to help his slow ass. As I was folding clothes with him, I came across these pair of boxers they weren't mine. They were tight, I held them up.

"Who's are these?" I said trying not to laugh at how they look.

Drake snatched them and mumbled, "mines..." He said fast. I busted out laughing in his face. He pulled me on top of him. I faced him and we looked into each others eyes. In leaned in for kiss and he did the same. As we kissed it felt like when we first met. He pulled away.

"Cmon let's get going."


We were on the highway going 80. We been driving about two hours. We got off exit 34, and we drove down a long road. We made a turn into a big house. It wasn't like a mansion or anything but damn there. Drake stopped the car and we sat there for awhile. After a while Drake got out and knocked on the door. In seconds the door opened and there was his dad giving Drake a huge hug. I smiled a little. Then they both started walking towards me. I curled my lips and sat up in the seat. I got out the car. I gave his father a hand shake and forced a smile. I was nervous this was my first time.

"In Tre" I said as I gripped his hand.

"Call me Derwin." He said with a smile.

"So... My wife and her kids aren't here... So y'all want to go out so we can get to know each other more or y'all fine here?" He asked.

"I'm kind of hungry..." I said

"Let's go..." He said leading us to him BMW truck. As I climbed in the back I noticed it was clean. So I had to ask.

"How old are your wife kids?"

"Bout the same age as y'all... 20-23, 3 Girls and 2 Boys..."

"Oh cool..."

"Not really... The boys and their mother are... Never mind."

"No say it..."


Drake looked at him then at me. I bit my lip and looked out the window. There is never a break is there?

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